Category: Humour |

General items of military
humour, mostly NOT politically correct. |
Now that all forms of
sexual discrimination have been removed from the Army, the ranks are
attracting all sorts. At the Puckapunyal Military Camp recently a drill
sergeant had a squad of recruits lined up on the parade ground.
"From the right, number!" bawled the sergeant.
"One!" "Two!" "Three!" "Four!"
"One!" "Hold it, hold it right there!" screamed the
sergeant. "You! You 'orrible dozy idle little man, you! You're not
One, are you?" "Yeth" lisped the recruit. "Are you
one, too?" |
Australia's Air Defence in
the 21st Century |




A range of humorous signs on sale to US personnel. All non official. |
Arafat was a known terrorist for much of his life.
Later in life he
supported and encouraged terrorists, particularly suicide bombers.
Part of the belief is that a suicide
bomber becomes a holy martyr, goes straight to Paradise where 72 virgins
await him.
This image refers to that.
The story below, about Osama bin
Larden is also based on that belief. |
getting nailed by a Daisy Cutter, Osama made his way to the pearly gates.
There, he is greeted by George Washington.
"How dare you attack the nation I helped conceive!" yells Mr.
Washington, slapping Osama in the face.
Patrick Henry comes up from behind. "You wanted to end the Americans'
liberty, so they gave you death!" Henry punches Osama on the nose.
James Madison comes up next, and says "This is why I allowed the
Federal government to provide for the common defense!" He delivers a
kick to Osama's knee.
Osama is subjected to similar beatings from John Randolph of Roanoke,
James Monroe, and 65 other people who have the same love for liberty and
As he writhes on the ground, Thomas Jefferson picks him up to hurls him
back toward the gate where he is to be judged.
As Osama awaits his journey to his final very hot destination, he screams,
"This is not what I was promised!"
An angel replies "I told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for
you. What did you think I said?"
The RSM of an Air Force Training base had 20 young Officers
to train. He was not impressed with them, at all. He explained life to
them this way. "Gentlemen, because you are Officers, I will
call you "Sir". Because I am the RSM you will call me
"Sir". "The only difference is, you will mean it and I
Malaysia 1969. I am a Rifleman/Stretcher
Bearer (now called Combat Medic). I had just returned from 14 days in the
J with my Platoon. I am looking forward to lots of beer and a girl or two
and some proper food. The Boss calls me up to tell me that I have to do an
immediate turnaround and go back into the J for another 14 days with
another Platoon. I am NOT HAPPY. Guess what. That Platoon has a brand new
Duntroon graduate 2Lt on his first trip into the bush in Malaysia. He ran
the Platoon ragged, charging up mountainsides (bloody steep in Malaysia)
just for the sake of showing that he was "the man". After 4 days
I disliked him, after 10 days I hated him and the rest of the Platoon did
Towards the end he came to me with
crotch rot. Now normally I would advise a "new boy" about Whitfield's
Ointment (benzoic acid) and
tell him to use it sparingly and be ready for the pain but it was PAYBACK
TIME. I tossed this bloke a full, new tube of Whitfield's and said
"Here, smear this on and don't miss anything". He used nearly
the whole tube (10 times as much as required) and applied it to EVERYTHING he had hanging or in the area.
When the pain hit him it was a pretty sight. He did not know whether he
was punched, bored, drilled or stapled. He was in agony.
When we got back to camp he tried to
have me charged. "Can't do, sorry" was the reply he got from my
boss, the Medical Officer, a doctor. "It was the correct ointment and
self administered". He now hates me. We are even.
he was drilling a batch of recruits, the sergeant saw that one of them
was marching out of step. Going to the man as they marched, he said
"Do you know they are all out of step except you?"
"What?" asked the recruit innocently.
"I said -- they are all out of step except you!" thundered the
"Well, Sarge, you're in charge -- you tell them!" |
lieutenant was out walking one day, and came upon a little boy, playing
with a pile of s**t. "Son,
what are you doing?" asked the lieutenant. "I'm
building an NCO," said the boy. The lieutenant, thinking this was
quite funny, returned with his captain, and asked the same question.
Again, the boy replied that he was building an NCO.
captain, also thinking it was funny, went back to the company area, and
brought the first sergeant out. Again the question was asked, and the
reply was the same. The first sergeant then asked the boy why he was
building an NCO.
The boy replied "Because I don't have enough s**t to make an
officer." |
The Battle of TRAFALGAR (1805)
by 2005 Rules |
The most decisive naval battle in
history. However, against all naval conventions, Admiral Nelson (in
a prearranged plan) divided his fleet into two squadrons and attacked the
center of the Franco-Spanish line at right angles. This meant exposing the
English ships to the massive broadsides of the enemy. At 11:50 AM, Nelson,
on board the H.M.S. Victory, signaled his famous message: "England
expects that every man will do his duty." Then, after his
southern squadron, led by Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood in the Royal
Sovereign, had engaged the Franco-Spanish line, Nelson began to return
fire against Villeneuve's ship, the Bucentaure.
From here, the English ships broke through
and offered numerous broadsides of their own. By 5:00 pm the battle was
over and the Franco-Spanish fleet was shattered. Villeneuve himself was
captured, and his fleet surrendered some 20 ships to the English fleet. In
addition, 14,000 men were lost, half of whom were prisoners of war, while
1,500 British seamen were killed or wounded. Only 11 ships reached Cadiz
while no English ship was destroyed. But the English did not escape
unscathed. At 1:15 PM, while the H.M.S. Victory was engaging the
Redoubtable, Nelson was struck in the spine by a sniper and was carried
below to die. However, when he did succumb to his injury at 4:30 PM, he
was certain that the English had won the day.
The battle of Trafalgar can be
considered the most decisive naval battle, both tactically and
strategically, in history. It not only eliminated Napoleon's plans to
invade England, but had also destroyed French naval power and ensured the
dominance of the British navy throughout the world.
- Just before
- a conversation is overheard on the Deck of HMS Victory;
Nelson: "Order the signal, Hardy."
Hardy: "Aye, aye sir."
Nelson: "Hold on, that's not what I
dictated to Flags. What's the meaning of this?"
Hardy: "Sorry sir?"
Nelson (reading aloud): "
expects every person to do his or her duty, regardless of race,
gender, sexual orientation, religious persuasion or disability."
"What gobbledygook is this?"
Hardy: "Admiralty policy, I'm afraid, sir.
We're an equal opportunities employer now. We had the devil's own job
getting '
' past the censors, lest it be considered racist."
Nelson: "Gadzooks, Hardy. Hand me my pipe
and tobacco."
Hardy: "Sorry sir. All naval vessels have
now been designated smoke-free working environments."
Nelson: "In that case, break open the rum
ration. Let us splice the main brace to steel the men before
Hardy: "The rum ration has been abolished,
Admiral. Its part of the Government's policy on binge drinking."
Nelson: "Good heavens, Hardy. I suppose
we'd better get on with it ...........full speed ahead."
Hardy: "I think you'll find that there's a
4 knot speed limit in this stretch of water."
Nelson: "Damn it man! We are on the eve of
the greatest sea battle in history. We must advance with all dispatch.
Report from the crow's nest please."
Hardy: "That won't be possible, sir."
Nelson: "What?"
Hardy: "Health and Safety have closed the
crow's nest, sir. No harness. And they said that rope ladders don't
meet regulations. They won't let anyone up there until a proper
scaffolding can be
Nelson: "Then get me the ship's carpenter
without delay, Hardy."
Hardy: "He's busy knocking up a wheelchair
access to the fo'c'sle Admiral."
Nelson: "Wheelchair access? I've never
heard anything so absurd."
Hardy: "Health and safety again, sir. We
have to provide a barrier-free environment for the differently abled."
Nelson: "Differently abled? I've only one
arm and one eye and I refuse even to hear mention of the word. I
didn't rise to the rank of admiral by playing the disability
Hardy: "Actually, sir, you did. The Royal
Navy is underrepresented in the areas of visual impairment and limb
Nelson: "Whatever next? Give me full sail.
The salt spray beckons."
Hardy: "A couple of problems there too,
sir. Health and safety won't let the crew up the rigging without hard
hats. And they don't want anyone breathing in too much salt - haven't
you seen the adverts?"
Nelson: "I've never heard such infamy.
Break out the cannon and tell the men to stand by to engage the
Hardy: "The men are a bit worried about
shooting at anyone, Admiral."
Nelson: "What? This is mutiny !"
Hardy: "It's not that, sir. It's just that
they're afraid of being charged with murder if they actually kill
anyone. There's a couple of legal-aid lawyers on board, watching
everyone like hawks."
Nelson: "Then how are we to sink the
Frenchies and the Spanish?"
Hardy: "Actually, sir, we're not."
Nelson: "We're not?"
Hardy: "No, sir. The French and the Spanish
are our European partners now. According to the Common Fisheries
Policy, we shouldn't even be in this stretch of water. We could get
hit with a claim for compensation."
Nelson: "But you must hate a Frenchman as
you hate the devil."
Hardy: "I wouldn't let the ship's diversity
co-ordinator hear you saying that sir. You'll be up on disciplinary
Nelson: "You must consider every man an
enemy, who speaks ill of your King."
Hardy: "Not any more, sir. We must be
inclusive in this
multicultural age. Now put on your Kevlar vest; it's the rules. It
could save your life"
Nelson: "Don't tell me - health and safety.
Whatever happened to rum, sodomy and the lash?"
Hardy: As I explained, sir, rum is off the menu!
And there's a ban on corporal punishment."
Nelson: "What about sodomy?"
Hardy: "I believe that is now legal,
Nelson: "In that case ...kiss me,
Having just moved into his
new office wagon, a pompous new colonel was at his desk when a soldier
knocked on the door.
Conscious of his position, the colonel
picked up the phone, told the signaller to enter, then said into the
handset: "Yes, General, I'll be seeing him this afternoon and I'll
pass along your message. In the meantime, thank you for your good
wishes, sir."
Feeling he had sufficiently impressed the young signaller, he asked him
what he wanted. "Nothing important sir" came the reply,
"I'm just here to connect your telephone."