Category: Assorted/Heroes |

Lance Corporal Hamilton
Hollingsworth McLachlan MM |
2367 Lance
Corporal (L/Cpl) Hamilton Hollingsworth McLachlan, of Inverell,
He enlisted 13th June 1916 in the 11th
Reinforcements of the 34th Battalion, returning to Australia on 11 May

L/Cpl McLachlan was awarded the
Military Medal in 1919 and a French Medaille d'Honneur avec Glaives (en
bronze) (Medal of Honour with bronze wreath). The latter medal was awarded
to only six Australian soldiers in the First World War. |
The glass covering the photograph has
been painted in an oval frame containing patriotic images of the blue
Australian flag and native flowers including the Waratah, emblem of NSW.
The image is encircled by two banners
with the words 'With loving thoughts' and 'Fighting somewhere in
France'. The bottom left hand corner shows a departing troopship,
possibly the HMAT Borda on which he left Sydney on 17 October 1916.
French Medaille d'Honneur avec Glaives
en bronze; (Medal of Honour with bronze wreath), |



is identical to the medal awarded to McLachlan. This particular one was
awarded to 1342 Pte H W Little of the 43rd Battalion AIF. Donor:
Tony & Bev Stockham |