Sudan War Nominal
Details of personnel serving in the NSW Contingent
to the Sudan, 1885.
Boer War Nominal
Details of personnel in Australian units during the
Boer War, 1899-1902
Boxer Uprising
Nominal Roll
Details of personnel serving in the Boxer Uprising,
China, 1900-1901.
First World
War Nominal Roll
Details of members of the AIF who served overseas
during the First World War.
- Results are basic but a good
starting point. After fully identifying your soldier go to the National
Archives Australia site
and order his records either
- online (free with 3 months average
wait) or
- photocopied ($16.20 and 3 months average wait).
- They tell
you everything the Service knows about him/her.
Acrobat Reader required but available
FREE on site
World War Nominal Roll
Second World War Nominal Roll, prepared by the
Department of Veterans' Affairs in Canberra, contains information from
the service records of some one million individuals who served during
the Second World War.
They tell
you everything the Service knows about him/her.
Korean War
Nominal Roll
The Nominal Roll of Australian
Veterans of the Korean War honours and commemorates the men and women
who served in the Royal Australian Navy, Australian Army and Royal
Australian Air Force in Korea, or in the waters adjacent to Korea,
during the conflict and after the ceasefire, between 27 June 1950 and 19
April 1956.
This site contains information from
the service records of more than 17,000 individuals who served during
the Korean War. 
War Nominal Roll
This Preliminary Gulf War Nominal Roll, prepared by
the Department of Veterans' Affairs in Canberra, lists Australian
Defence Force personnel involved in that conflict. It includes all
personnel involved in the hostilities and associated operations in the
Persian Gulf from August 1990 to September 1991.
Service Personnel Graves
(Debt of Honour Register)
To locate the grave of a service
person connect to the Commonwealth
War Graves Commission enter the details and
you will find him /her regardless of where in the world the grave is,
provided it is controlled by the CWGC.
Also see the Office
of Australian War Graves site