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The London Gazette |
London Gazette editions for 1914/1918
'The London
Gazette is an official newspaper of the state and has been in existence
since 1665. In formation found in the London Gazette includes
commissions and announcement concerning honours and awards.
The London Gazette editions for
1914-1920 and for 1939-1948 are now online at www.gazettes-online.co.uk.
Select the Archive tab, on the navigation bar, for a drop down menu.
Each page of the edition comes as a separate PDF file.
During the First World War period, each month of the London Gazette had
a different number of pages, many running in to thousands. The
first page of the first London Gazette in January is always page 1.
The last page of the last London Gazette of December the same year may
be page
To find an award in the London Gazette consult the relevant Gazette
index. Each index cover a three month period: March, June,
September and December - the March Gazette covers January, February and
March. The arrangement of the index is similar: first in alphabetical
order of
award and then in alphabetical order of recipient. Along side each
name is a page number for the quarter of the year covered by the index.
This should give an indication of the month to be searched.
The amount of information recorded depends on the seniority of the
When the site originally went online there were limitations on browser
access. The site was designed to work only on Internet Explorer -
Netscape 7.0 or Opera 6.0 did not display properly. Mac users have
reported the site to be unstable.'