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Plagiarism, Ownership, Legal Responsibility, Privacy, Suitability,
Advertising, Spam, Truth, Copies, Cookies, Bandwidth theft |
- It
is my hope and desire to stay out of Her Majesty's Courts of Law.
- So
here is the legal situation as I see it.
Index of sections on
this page (click links)
- SPAM. While I have
anything to do with this site it will not be used as a vehicle for
Spam or unwanted emails of any sort. I run the most up to date
protection available against virus attack and email address theft. I
do not sell, trade, loan, swap or deal in any way in email address
information. On the very odd occasion that I send out some sort of
update or news bulletin about the site it will be short,
advertising free and sent to "Undisclosed
Recipients" to protect the email
address of any person who has communicated with me. (See Your
Choice, below)
- The tactic of forging return addresses, making
an uninvolved third party appear to be the sender of junk
e-mail, is a common one. Such practices prompted several online
services, including CompuServe and Prodigy, to get American
Federal courts to help them bar junk e-mailers from their
services. Digger History has been used in
the past as a "fake" sender. I have received Spam sent
to Digger History supposedly from Digger History.

freely place your details on the Guest-book page then you are
responsible for any repercussions. It is a PUBLIC forum.

- TRUTH. I believe that
the material used on this site is true and correct. If you disagree
say so. I will investigate your concern. I can accept NO
RESPONSIBILITY for any decision that you might make if you rely on
anything on this site.

do not claim to have written much of what is here. Most of it is
reproduced and I believe that I have stayed within the bounds of the
Copyright laws as I understand them and the laws of decency as I
know them.
- Note. Some of the material on
this site is subject to Australian Federal Government (Crown) Copyright.
That includes but is not limited to any badge, in particular the
Rising Sun Badge. I use the images with limited and conditional
approval. I STRONGLY suggest that before you copy and use any
image you seek approval.
Contact me for details if you
are unsure.
- Crown Copyright also extends to
most photos of military uniforms.
- Any copyrighted material on
these pages is used in a "fair use" manner, for the
purpose of study, education, review or critical analysis only, and will be
removed at the request of copyright owner/s if there is any
breach of law.
- If the use is legal the
Copyright material will stay.

of the items on this site are subject to Crown Copyright. This
includes but is not limited to all military badges and insignias.
They are used here under limited and conditional approval. Part of
that approval requires the reproduction of the following . .
Commonwealth of Australia Copyright Notice
© Commonwealth of Australia
This work is copyright. You may download, display, print
and reproduce this material in unaltered form only (retaining
this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use
or use within your organisation. All other rights are
reserved. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction
and rights should be addressed to the Manager, Legislative
Service, AusInfo. GPO Box 1920, Canberra ACT 2601 or by
email to Cwealthcopyright@dofa.gov.au
Australian War Memorial Copyright Notice.
Some of the items on this website are the
copyright of the Australian War Memorial.
You may download, display, print and reproduce
this material in unaltered form only for your personal,
non-commercial use or use within your organisation. Apart from any
use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, you must not copy,
adapt, publish, distribute or commercialise any material contained
on this site without the permission of the Australian War
Many images (particularly
badges) fall into this category |
logo indicates that an
image is ineligible for copyright
and therefore is in the public
domain, because it consists entirely of information that
is common property and contains no original authorship. Although
unofficial it's use is growing. |
If you believe that you have a Copyright
difficulty with something I have done, please do us both a favour.
you blast me and make all sorts of threats, please go to http://www.copyright.org.au/.
Check what the Australian legal situation is for
yourself and then contact me. It will save us both some time and might
save you some heartache. Just because you own Copyright of some
intellectual property does not mean that small parts of it cannot be
legally reproduced. As for photographs, if you are not the photographer or
the subject you probably do not own the copyright. Anyway, go to the site
and see what you think.
The Tattoo
and the other Regimental marches on this site in sample size
come from the CD that contains them all in full and is available
from the RAR Foundation. Note that the quality of the samples is
well below that of the CD because I have compressed them to make
them fast loading. They are .wav files in mono at 11megahertz so
quality is affected. They are short duration demonstration samples only. The RAR
Foundation is the Copyright owner. |
COPIES. I freely admit
that some of what is reproduced is here without the knowledge of the
webmaster of the web I pinched them from. What can I say? I am an
Aussie, we make a 'thing' about our convict past, I am ex-Army so
scrounging is second nature, this is not a commercial site so I get
no gain, I have moved nothing off the web just DOUBLED it's exposure and if you need any more excuses give me about 20 minutes
and I will have 100 (and by the way, where did he pinch it from in
the first place?).
If you intend to copy something
of mine from here and use it in an appropriate
non commercial manner on the WWW,
feel free to do so, with the
appropriate credit
If your site is
worthwhile maybe we can swap links. Contact
me. If I have added an acknowledgement that same
acknowledgement must accompany any copy that you use. 
Occasionally some people throw this word around as an insult and a
charge. Let's stay with reality. Plagiarism is when a person
reproduces some one else's work and claims it as their own. I may
have copied the work of other people BUT I have never claimed it as
my work and unless it is insignificantly small, obviously not their
original work or I boo-booed, the author or web site source has been
site does not collect information about you so I could not misuse
it, sell it, trade it or post it to Outer Mongolia, even if I wanted
to. I don't. I won't. I can't. 