Category: Discipline |

ANZAC Provost Corps
served in Egypt, Palestine,
France, Belgium and the United Kingdom.
<< Shoulder title c
1918 |
PROVOST STAFF were first
raised in 1912-1913, to trace defaulter's, from compulsory national
service in the Militia (CMF). On the outbreak of war they were replaced
by the Military Mounted Police.
The meaning of
Matt Walsh
- Australian MP Association
The appointment of Provost
Marshal or the Provost, as it was originally known, can be traced
back to the 12th Century. In those days there was of
course no parliament, and the King ruled through a Royal Court or
Curia Regis as it was known. One of the most important officials
of the Curia Regis was the Earl Marshal, whose appointment
continues to this day. (He is responsible for ceremonial on all
great state occasions, coronations, state funerals etc).
The Earl Marshals right hand man
was the Provost, (derived from the ancient French Provost meaning
'Perfect'). In those days the Provost like the Earl Marshal, had
to be a man of known loyalty to the Sovereign and hence his
appointment was a royal prerogative.
Whilst the Provost Marshals
appointment dates back to the Norman and Anglican Kings, as a
military title is one of the oldest in British history. The
earliest record appears in the "Curia Regis", a document
produced in 1318, in which provision is made for two offices, the
Earl Marshal, and that of Provost Marshal. The Provost Marshal
was, by the same document, granted permission for certain
retainers, to be known as the Provost Marshal's Assistants, paid
from the Privy purse.
The only rival in antiquity to
the Provost's appointment is that of Chaplain General, and history
does not disclose which is the older. |
incomplete list of decorations and awards made to men serving as
Military Police in WW1 |
Imperial Awards |
Foreign Awards |
Service Order, 3 |
Medal of Honour - Gold, 1 |
of the British Empire, 1 |
Medaille Militaire, 1 |
of the British Empire, 5 |
Croix de Guerre, 2 |
Cross, 1 |
Medal for Bravery & Military Virtue-Gold 1 |
Conduct Medal, 1 |
Order of Michael the Brave-1st Class,1 |
Medal, 26 |
Service Medal, 27 |
Details provided
by Geoff Barr, RACMP Historian |
in Despatches, 52 |

A.P.M. A.I.F. in Egypt.
I desire to bring to your notice the excellent
services rendered by No 4341 Sergt. H.J.Barr, during his attachment to the
4th L.H. Brigade as N.C.O. i/c Brigade Police. I particularly wish to
mention his service during the operations 29th April - 6th May at Jisraed
Damieh. It was necessary on the 1st May, when the enemy
counter-attacked, to make use of every available rifle for fire power, and
every mounted man available for keeping up communications. At a
critical period Sergt, Barr was one of a party which was collected and sent
to a position to prevent the enemy approaching our left flank. Several
times during the action he was called upon to carry messages through heavy
fire, which he did with all possible speed and coolness, reporting
compliance to Brigade Headquarters. His Routine work throughout was
carried out in a very capable manner. He was always keen and smart and
without a doubt was a good example to the personnel under him.
Sgd. W. Grant, Brigadier-General. |
Shoulder title for
Battle Dress jacket for the Corps after September 1948 |
and a later (1974)
This story is an exact
retype of an original article published in the 1980s from Australian
Military Police Magazine by Major J.V. Hoban.
An ANZAC Provost Unit was raised in Egypt in March
1916 primarily of volunteers from the Australian Light Horse Brigades,
some of whom had fought dismounted at Gallipoli. The unit was to support
the ANZAC Mounted Division under the command of Major General H.G.
Chauvel CB, CMG.

On 13 June 1916, the ANZAC Provost Unit was authorised
to form a Corps (AMO 268). The main body of the ANZAC Provost Corps, 30
Officers and 690 other ranks, departed for service in England and France
on 3 August 1916 leaving behind what was to be the Egyptian Section of
the Corps.
This Section was commanded in turn by Major
J. Williams,
3 Infantry Brigade, Captain A.F. Jordan and finally by Major Bisdee, VC,
of the 12th Light Horse Regiment. Major Bisdee was promoted Lt Col. And
had the dual appointment of CO and APM Australian Expeditionary Force
(AIF) in Egypt.
This slightly
different version was supplied by Geoff Barr, RACMP, Historian. |
Subject :- Organisation - Military Police Corps.
1 - The military police of the A.I.F. will hereafter form a Corps ...
Instructions have been issued to Hd.Qrs., A.I.F., Cairo regarding the
establishment ...Men selected to serve with the above sections will be
transferred to the Military Police Corps.
Brigadier General
D.A. & Q.M.G.
Australian and New Zealand Forces.
12th May 1916, 21 Officers and 589 other ranks, selected from all units
of the A.I.F., were marched into barracks Abbassia. Thus began one
month of intensive training in all aspects of military police duties and
soldiering. Those men who failed to meet the rigid requirement of
the new Corps, were marched out, and returned to their units.
From inception it had been decided that only A class men would be
accepted into the new Corps. Also to eliminate the perception
amongst other units in the A.I.F., that men joining the new Corps were
doing so to evade Active Service. Those men who had not seen
service in the face of the enemy were transferred to the Desert Mounted
Corps, on completion of their training. Commanded by, Major
General H.G. Chauvel CB, CMG., they remained with the Desert Corps,
until they had seen service in the face of the enemy, and
were capable of taking their place with the ANZAC Provost Corps (APC).
After the initial intake, all new recruits must have seen service in the
face of the enemy. By 1917, the requirements for entry into the APC were
the strictest of any unit in the A.I.F.
The organisation of the Egyptian Section, as at 3
August 1916 was as follows:
Mounted Section (Heliopolis) |
Officers |
Men |
Squadron HQ |
2 |
7 |
A Troop |
1 |
46 |
B Troop |
1 |
28 |
C Troop |
1 |
30 |
D Troop |
- |
24 |
Infantry Section (Cairo) |
2 |
115 |
Total |
7 |
250 |
The composition of the unit varied with
the operational requirements of the AIF so that, by 1 June 1918, the
organisation was:
Officers |
Men |
HQ (Heliopolis) |
1 |
4 |
Cairo Detachment |
1 |
66 |
Canal Zone Detachment |
1 |
80 |
Palestine L of C |
1 |
30 |
Desert Mounted Corps |
2 |
30 |
ANZAC Mounted Division |
1 |
30 |
Australian Mounted Division |
7 |
266 |
Selection for Service
Service in the Corps was voluntary, subject to a
probationary period and of limited tenure. The transient nature is
illustrated when, on 26 August 1916, 52 OR from A Squadron marched out
from Cairo to Moascar for absorption into their own units, and were
struck off the strength of the ANZAC Provost Corps.
On 9 September 1916, consent was given by Major
General Chauvel for a formation of a troop of Military Police Mounted
Section to be attached to the ANZAC Mounted Division for regimental
duties. The intention was to rotate all members of the Mounted Section
through this troop to remove any stigma men of the AIF had for men
serving in the front line.
In July 1917 Major General Chauvel, in writing to HQ
AIF in London, on his staff's decision to grant temporary rank said 'The
ANZAC Provost Corps in Egypt has to provide for policing of 4 towns, a
large training centre, a long L of C, and an advanced forward Army HQ in
a thickly populated enemy country as well as Divisions and Brigades in
the field. (18000 AIF and a considerably greater number of Imperial
Troops). 50% of the unit are allowed temporary NCO rank for the
following reasons:
They have to practically carry the duties of an
They have considerably more work to perform that
the ordinary troopers, and
It was very difficult, originally, to get
The standard of officers and men appeared to be
refined as time went by. AIF in Egypt Order Number 11 on 5 September
1917 stated 'No further appointment to the ANZAC Provost Corps, except
for men who have served in a fighting unit in operations against the
enemy, will be made'.
The appointment of Lt James Rogers, VC, (wounded at
Gallipoli) to the ANZAC Provost Corps is a striking example of this
- Lieutenant Rogers VC, whilst
appointed adjutant to the newly formed ANZAC Provost Corps, was
still recuperating from wounds he received whilst serving on
Gallipoli. He did not see service with the ANZAC Provost Corps,
he was returned to Australia in June 1916. Invalided to Aust per
"Itonus" ex Suez. Shell Shock, (12 Months Change);
31-12-1916, Discharged, Medically Unfit Geoff Barr
RACMP Historian 19 March
- Webmasters note. Lieutenant James Rogers VC won
his award as a Sergeant, near Thaba 'Nchu, Orange Free State,
during the Boer War on 15 June 1901. At that time he was a
member of the South African Constabulary.
The AAG, AIF Egypt, in a letter 133/196 of 28 January
1918, the GOCs of ANZAC Mounted Division, Australian Mounted Division
and the Imperial Camel Brigade wrote
'The GOC requests that you impress
upon CO's the necessity, in the interests of the AIF, of keeping this
unit (ANZAC Provost Corps) a corps d'elite. It should be regarded as an
honour and a reward for good service to be selected for it'.
The ANZAC Provost Corps was authorised, on 23 February
1917, to wear a navy blue hat and cap band and metal shoulder titles.
This was changed some four months later to a
red hat and cap
Armlets were authorised for use on the right arm. {The correct dress was
a blue hat band and later replaced by a red hat band. No blue or red
hats were ever worn by ANZAC Provost Corps.}
Apart from the distinguishing hat band, shoulder
titles and armlets, it would appear that military police wore the dress
and colour patches of their parent units, many of which were Light Horse
Regiments. It is fitting, therefore, that the current Corps colours (red
over black) and vehicle unit signs are identical to those of the 7th
Light Horse Regiment.
MP Badges
1914 -1916
Keith Glyde, Author of Badges & Colour Patches of AMF 1915 - 1951
From 1914 to 1916 the Australian Military Police wore MP
titles on the front of the slouch hat. There were two variations,
one by Stokes of Melbourne which was a very "fine" product,
and another more "chunky" type letters made by Thomas Brown
& Sons of Queensland in October 1915.
The original authority is
'Orders for Australian Imperial Force' published in 1914 and 1915 and
progressively amended throughout the war.
AIF Order No. 10, Para 44 of 5 September 1914 does not
mention the title but refers to Corps letters and numerals and the
position they were to be worn on Officers collars. Other ranks wore them
on the epaulette immediately above the Australia title.
Their use was
cancelled in Australia by MO673 of 1915 of 9 November 1915 which amended
'Orders for AIF' and in Egypt by AIF Order 118 of 25 March 1916. 'Orders
for AIF' in 1915 does not mention an MP armband.
<< Photographic evidence from
the period casts some doubt that these orders were always followed.
The MP of the ANZAC Mounted Division were divided into
five detachments of ten men, under the command of a SGT, and were
allocated to Divisional HQ, and to each of the four Brigades, and were
under overall command of the Divisional APM.
MP at DIV HQ performed the same duties but were also
responsible for searching and rationing and water for all PW and listing
all their belongings. The work of compiling nominal rolls of PW by rank,
name, unit and nationality was undertaken by the APM and his staff,
which also included an interpreter.
Military Force of BEERSHEBA
Perhaps the most famous action in this theatre of
operations was the charge of the Light Horse at Beersheba. The ANZAC
Provost Corps Field Troop played their part in this famous action.
'On 30 October 1917, at 0900 hours, the MP patrol on
the watering area was reduced to one man. The rest were on roads and the
regulation of traffic. At 1800 hours, the ANZAC Mounted Division now
completely assembled, moved out and travelled all night in the direction
of Beersheba. They arrived in Kashim Zanna shortly after daylight and
there went into action which culminated in the fall of Beersheba the
same evening. During the battle, the MP were employed in conducting
parties to water and directing stragglers. At 1530 a party of PW was
received at DIV HQ with a convoy of captured bullock wagons. These were
checked and searched and handed over to the APM Desert Mounted Corps .
DIV HQ came under shellfire and it was found necessary to hurry through
the check and move the convoy back under cover as quickly as possible.
At dusk, hostile aircraft attacked the 1st Light Horse Transport Column
which was drawn up in close formation near the PW and was ready to move
off. Casualties were very heavy and the APM and DIV MP were employed for
some hours in assisting the wounded men and destroying wounded horses.'
The number of PW increased as the Australians advanced
through Palestine. The APM of the ANZAC Mounted Division reported on the
21st September 1918, "word was received from Divisional HQ to
establish a PW compound at X17C. On the road we met a convoy of 7000
prisoners. The town of Jenin is in a fearful state, arms, equipment and
transport were everywhere. Bedouins looting"
A week later, 2Lt Sanders and three MP went back five
miles to Judeide and established a PW compound. 10,000 prisoners marched
in making a Divisional total of 15,000
From its beginnings in Egypt in March 1916, the ANZAC
Provost Corps distinguished itself in various theatres during WW1. Of
the 42 members killed, 13 died in Egypt. Four Military Medals (MM) were
awarded and one was Mentioned In Dispatches (MID) twice.
Australian Provost
Corps 1917
By Major J.M. Symington, PM 2MD - MP
Newsletter January 1976
Retyped by CPL A.T. Buckingham in
October 2001 from original article and MP Newsletter. Courtesy of
RACMP Museum, Holsworthy.
This article was put together by
Major J.M. Symington, Provost Marshal 2 MD in 1976 from an interview
with a retired member of the Corps, Lt Col. R.V. McMillan, MBE. Lt
Col. McMillan had two elder brothers who served in the Australian
Provost Corps after being wounded at Gallipoli in 1915.
Prior to the year 1917, each
Division and Formation of the Australian Imperial Force, selected and
were responsible for their own Military Police. These positions were
filled voluntarily, but no special qualifications such as service,
height, good conduct or education were required.
However, early in1917, the
Australian Provost Corps (APC) was raised in the United Kingdom, with
its HQ at Tidsworth, Hampshire. At that time the main theatre of
hostilities was France, and so it was there and in the UK that the
maximum number of diggers were based. The first OC was Colonel 'Bull'
Williams, with Major Fisher as 2IC. Other officers posted to the Corps
at that time were Cooper, Harper, Levy and McMicken.
The selection of Other Ranks
proceeded apace, and was most thorough. Each applicant was required to
have the following qualifications:
- Be of good physique and
- Be medically Class A
- Be of a minimum height of 5 foot
9 inches
- Have had at least six months
front line service with a combatant unit
- Be able to ride a horse
- Have a clean military conduct
The dress prescribed for the Corps,
was a service dress jacket, similar to other troops, but of slightly
better material and fitting, riding breeches, leggings, spurs and a
hat khaki fur felt, with a blue hat band.
With the passing of time, it was
most noticeable that, after the formation of the new Corps, that
relationships between the APC and other soldiers showed marked
improvement, dur to the new attitude adopted by the Corps of sympathy
and understanding.
Members of the APC were often called
upon to perform duties in forward areas, where quite a number were
killed or wounded in action. Some also performed deeds of heroism,
which did not go unnoticed by the diggers. One such incident, recalled
by Col. McMillan, took place during the Third Battle of Ypres which
lasted for some weeks. All of the Australian Divisions in France were
engaged in this battle. At one notorious place known as 'Hell Fire
Corner', on the Main Supply Route, traffic forward and to the rear,
being very heavy, was controlled by the APC. The area was under
continuous heavy shelling and, whereas others in transit could make a
hasty dash through, the MP pointsman had to remain. In one day alone,
five members of the APC were killed, or wounded, at that particular
As anyone would understand, to
replace a casualty and stand in the same location, takes real courage,
a quality much admired by the digger who has seen action.
copy of RO supplied by Geoff Barr,
RACMP historian |
Brief History of Corps
3 April 1916
AIF Police Corps formed in Middle East
during WW1.
February 1917
Name change to ANZAC Provost Corps.
1 January 1918
Name change to Australian Provost
The Australian Provost Corps was
disbanded in 1920 along with the AIF in 1921. The Corps was not
maintained as an "active" Corps of the Australian Army during
the post war period of 1920 to 1938.
1911 to 1938
The Provost Staff and Provost Marshal.
During the post WW1 years the
Australian Provost Corp (APC) was to be "considered" a Corps
of the Australian Army.
The policing role of the Army was
maintained by a Provost Marshal (PM) and a handful of Assistant Provost
Marshals (APM) on the HQ of each Military District or Area and had
garrison troops known as Regimental Police (RP) to carry out the
policing duties.
Also during the period 1911 to 1928
the Military Police of the Permanent Force were termed the "Provost
Staff" and it was their job to maintain and administer the
compulsory Universal Training Scheme (UTS).
The Defence Act ( The Australian
Military Forces - The Defence Act 1903-12 Regulations & Instructions
for Universal Training dated 1914, Part 5 - Citizen Forces) stated the
Provost Staff - Para 192 (v)
The Provost Staff will be administered
by the Adjutant Generals branch of the staff in Districts, and for the
purposes of discipline, will be considered to be a "corps".
Australian Army Provost Corps (AAPC).
The Corps was "resurrected"
in 1938 on the call out of the Army for WW2. The Corps was widely
employed during WW2 and provided essential battlefield support.
The following extracts of the Defence
Act 1903-41 states:
Division 12A – Australian Army
Provost Corp
Para 1066a. Constitution of Corps in
time of war
In time of war there shall be an
Australian Army Provost Corp which shall constitute a corps of the
Permanent Forces and shall consist of officers and soldiers appointed to
or enlisted in that Corps, or transferred to, or seconded for duty with,
that Corps from other portions of the Military Forces.
Part 3 - The Defence Force
Division 1 - Constitution of the
Defence Force
Para 30. Defence Force
The Defence Force shall consist of the
Naval, Military and Air Forces of the Commonwealth, and shall be divided
into two branches called the Permanent Forces and Citizen Forces.
Para 31(2). Permanent Forces
Except in time of war, no Permanent
Military Forces shall be raised or organised or maintained except for
Administrative and Instructional Staffs, including Staff Corps, Survey,
Army Service, Medical, Veterinary, and Ordnance Corps, Artillery,
Fortress Engineers, and Submarine Mining Engineers.
Division 12. - Provost Staff
Para 1065. Part of PMF
The Provost Staff shall be maintained
as part of the Permanent Forces.
Division 6 – Provost-Marshals
Para 384. Appointment of
provost-marshals and assistant provost-marshals
Provost-marshals and assistant
provost-marshals may be appointed by –
- the Military Board; or
- a formation, &c, commander, if
authorised by the Military Board; or
- a general officer in command of a
body of the Military Forces out of the Commonwealth or on war
service in the Commonwealth.
September 1948
Name change to Royal Australian Army
Provost Corps (RAA PRO)
The Corps was maintained in the post
WW2 Army and in 1948 the Provost Corps had the title "Royal"
added before "Australian Army Provost Corps" to become
"Royal Australian Army Provost Corps".
This was granted by The King in
recognition of the service provided by the Provost Corps during World
War 2. This was promulgated in Australian Army Orders from Army HQ on
31st December 1948 (Document/File number: 260/1/2990). This entitled the
Corps to have the Kings crown on the top of their Corps badge.
It is interesting to note that this
change was not amended in the Defence Act until 1st March 1957. (See
below for extracts from the Australian Military Forces - Amendments to
The Defence Act 1903-41 dated 1st March 1957)
AMR & O 385 and 386 (R.235 &
Is amended by omitting the words
"Australian Army Provost Corps" (wherever occurring) and
inserting in their stead the words "Royal Australian Army Provost
The Corps was active in all major
conflicts involving the Australian Army from 1945 to 1974.
4 September 1974
Name change to Royal Australian Corps
of Military Police (RACMP)
4th September 1974, Her Majesty the
Queen granted the prefix "Royal" to the new Corps title.
Military Board Minute No. 66/74
approved the change in Corps title from "Royal Australian Army
Provost Corps" to that of "Royal Australian Corps of Military
Also the following info from Corps
Magazines of the day:
RAA PRO Corps News Letter - October
Message From The Provost Martial
Action is being taken to change the
Corps title. We are unable to give a progress report at this stage
because of protocol restrictions. As disclosed in the last newsletter,
the new name proposed is "The Royal Australian Corps of Military
Police (RACMP).
There was much debate over the name
change and many were suggested. Suggestions were:
CAMP - Corps of Australian Military
RAMP - Royal Australian Military
The Corps Director decided that the
above titles/names and others were unacceptable, had similar letters to
another Armies MP or Countries Police and adopted The Royal Australian
Corps of Military Police (RACMP).
The Military Police Newsletter -
January 1975
Message From The Provost Martial
The most significant event affecting
the Corps in 1974 was, undoubtedly, our change in name. As the
newsletter cover indicates, it is now officially recognised and so, as a
matter of factual record, the procedural sequence leading to the
announcement can be disclosed.
The notion to change the Corps title
was put to the Senior MP Officers Planning Conference in December 1973.
It was among a number of proposals concerning the Corps which were
staffed at Army Office in the period January to March. In April, the
proposals were considered by the Army Development Committee and in May,
the Military Board approved a submission by the Chief of Personnel and
Colonel Commandant to change the Corps title to 'The Australian Corps of
Military Police'.
At this point it is appropriate to
explain the prefix 'Royal' is an honour granted only by the Monarch and
is not an automatic procedure. In our case, His Majesty King George VI
originally bestowed the prefix 'Royal' on the Australian Army Provost
Corp in 1948. However, the honour is not transferable and so could not
be adopted by the Corps under its new name. Separate initiative action
was, therefore, necessary.
The Minister for Defence then wrote to
the Prime Minister in July, asking him to approach the Governor-General
with a request that he seek the approval of Her Majesty the Queen, to
grant the prefix 'Royal' to the Corps under its new title. The reply
from the Prime Minister was received in late September, stating that he
had been informed by the Governor-General that, pursuant to the Prime
Minister's fullest endorsement and recommendation of the proposal, the
Queen had given her approval for the Corps to be granted the distinction
of the prefix 'Royal'.
The Corps was given a new title to
reflect changes in the modern employment and use of Military Police in
the Australian Army and is still known as RACMP today.