Category:1st AIF/1st
Div/3rd Bde |

- 10th Battalion AIF
(South Australia) [3rd Infantry Brigade]
Formed South Australia August 1914. Departed Adelaide Ascanius
20 October 1914.
- 1st Reinforcements departed Melbourne Themistocles
22 December 1914,
- 2nd Reinforcements departed Melbourne Clan
Macgillivray 2 February 1915,
- 3rd Reinforcements departed
Melbourne Runic
19 February 1915,
- 4th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Port
Lincoln1 April 1915,
- 5th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Hororata
20 April 1915,
- 6th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Borda
23 June 1915,
- 7th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Kanowna
23 June 1915,
- 8th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Morea
26 August 1915,
- 9th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Star
of England 21 September 1915,
- 10th Reinforcements departed
Adelaide Ballarat
14 September 1915,
- 11th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Benalla
27 October 1915,
- 12th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Malwa
2 December 1915,
- 13th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Borda
11 January 1916,
- 14th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Miltiades
7 February 1916,
- 15th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Mongolia
9 March 1916,
- 16th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Shropshire
25 March 1916,
- 17th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Aeneas
11 April 1916,
- 18th Reinforcements departed Melbourne Barambah
27 June 1916,
- 19th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Ballarat
12 August 1916,
- 20th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Anchises
28 August 1916,
- 21st Reinforcements departed Adelaide Port
Melbourne 23 October 1916,
- 22nd Reinforcements departed Adelaide Afric
7 November 1916,
- 23rd Reinforcements departed Adelaide Berrima
16 December 1916,
- 24th Reinforcements departed Adelaide Borda
23 June 1917,
- 25th Reinforcements departed Melbourne Aeneas
30 October 1917.
Battle Honours:
Landing at Anzac, Anzac,
Defence of Anzac, Suvla, Sari Bair, Gallipoli 1915, Egypt 1915-16,
Somme 1916-18, Pozieres, Bullecourt, Ypres 1917, Menin Road, Broodeseinde,
Polygon Wood, Poelcappelle, Passchendaele, Lys, Hazebrouck,
Amiens, Albert 1918, Hindenburg Line, Epehy, France and Flanders 1916-18
Egypt, Gallipoli, Western Front
10th Battalion A.I.F.
Official War diary. 25/04/1915 ANZAC
During the afternoon
of Saturday 24th April B & C Coys under Major Oldham and Capt Jacob
respectively together with Battn Hd Quarter Staff and all Battn Scouts
under Lt TALBOT SMITH transferred from the Transport "IONIAN"
to H.M.S. "PRINCE OF WALES" and Coys under Major BEEVOR and
Capt HERBERT respectively together to Torpedo Destroyers also machine
gun section under Sgt Mgr SAWER. At 3 am on Sunday 25th April B+D Coy
& HQ=Bn staff, Signallers and scouts left the PRINCE OF WALES to the
cutters life boats to being towed to within about 50 yards of the shore
by steam boats.
Absolute silence was maintained by all men and boats
& directly the boats were cast off by the steamers and quietly rowed
quietly towards the shore dawn was just breaking 04.15 no sound was
heard except the splashing of the oars, we thought that our landing was
to be affected quite unopposed, but when our boats were within 30 yards
of the beach a rifle was fired from the hill in front of us above the
beach, right in front where we were heading for, almost immediately
heavy rifle and machine gun fire was opened upon us, we had to row
another 15 yards or so before we reached water shallow enough to get out
of our boats, this was at about 04.15
We got out of our boats into
about 3’ of water & landed on a stony bottom the stones were
round& slimy &many Officers and men slipped on them & fell
into the water, but all bravely &silently made all hast to reach the
beach, under a perfect hail of bullets, many men fixed their bayonets
before reaching the shore. I ordered men to lie down, fix bayonets &
remove packs. This was done in a couple of minutes. The men of the 9th
10th & 11th Bn were all mixed up on the beach, but there was no time
to reorganise so ordered all to advance.
The men sprang to their feet at
once & with a cheer charged up the hill held by the Turks and drove
them off it. Following up their success by firing on the quickly
retreating foe. Shortly after this, the two Companies A & B, off the
torpedo Destroyer reached the beach, they were subjected to heavy
Shrapnel and Machine Gun fire, these companies pushed on quickly and
soon joined us in a general advance.
By about 08.30 we were
about a mile inland & were holding by hill and ridge in front of it,
we then pushed on to SHRAPNEL HILL & I reported to the Brigadier Col
Macfagan, he was anxious for us to push on to the west ridge but as the
enemy just then developed a strong counter attack he decided that we
should "dig in" on the forward slope of SHRAPNEL RIDGE N/E.
Battn Hd Qr did our best to reorganise the Coys in the following order D
coy on left, C next, facing same direction and portions of A & B
facing NE and other portions of A & B further around to south and in
advance of section of Defence held by 1st Brigade. The line held at this
time was the forward edge of plateau wheat field now known as the
A section of Defence from about 100 Yds W of head of shrapnel
gully to 50 yds E, thence about 100 yds SE was reorganised – and order
issued to "dig in" for all you are worth. At
this time – men of all Battn in brigade being mixed up- D Coy was on
the left – C Coy centre. A& B on right – out machine gun section
was in the firing line in a position, which enfiladed the Gully- Two
officers and about 10 men of 11th Battn one officer and about 15 men of
Canterbury Rifles NZ now in our lines. The position taken up was
consolidated and strengthened as much as possible and was held by us
until relieved by marine division on Wednesday day night 28th April. In
order to give confidence and support to marines I remained in support
just in rear of SHRAPNEL RIDGE at the head of SHRAPNEL GULLY and only
withdrew @ 08.30 on Thursday 29th April
On Sunday afternoon
25th Apl we repelled two counter attacks made by the enemy one of these
attacks was made at about 4 and the second at about 5, both attacks were
made in considerable force, minor attacks were made during Sunday night
and on Monday morning following a heavy bombardment by enemies
On Tuesday morning
27th Apl an attack was made by a force of dismounted cavalry; on our
right front. The cavalry came forward and dismounted, then without any
covering fire, charged dismounted. The attack was carried forward
to within 500yds of our trenches, when our fire was opened upon them,
after a number of casualties on there side they retreat at the double.
At 7.30pm on Tuesday
an attack was again made, but the attacking force appeared to loose
direction. When the attackers got within 200yds of our position they
moved obliquely across our front under our heavy fire, they suffered
considerable losses and retired in great disorder.
During the whole of
these four anxious days the head quarters of the Battalion was in close
touch with all the Companies and kept them well supplied with
ammunition, food, and water in this connection the Hd Qr signallers did
excellent work. Battn Hd Quarter was dug in – in centre of out section
of defence at head of Shrapnel Gully.
10th Battalion
The 10th Battalion was among the first
infantry units raised for the AIF during the First World War. The
battalion was recruited in South Australia, and together with the 9th,
11th and 12th Battalions, formed the 3rd Brigade.
The battalion was raised within weeks
of the declaration of war in August 1914 and embarked for overseas just
two months later. After a brief stop in Albany, Western Australia, the
battalion proceeded to Egypt, arriving in early December.
The 3rd Brigade was the covering force
for the ANZAC landing on 25 April 1915 and so was the first ashore at
around 4:30 am. Two soldiers of the 10th Battalion, Lance Corporal
Philip Robin and Private Arthur Blackburn, are believed to have
penetrated further inland than any other Australians at ANZAC. Robin was
killed later on 25 April and Blackburn soldiered on to be commissioned
as an officer and awarded the Victoria Cross at Pozières, the
battalion’s first major battle in France. The 10th Battalion was
heavily involved in establishing and defending the front line of the
ANZAC position, and served there until the evacuation in December.
After the withdrawal from Gallipoli,
the 10th Battalion returned to Egypt and, in March 1916, sailed for
France and the Western Front. From then until 1918, the battalion took
part in bitter trench warfare. The battalion’s first major action in
France was at Pozières in the Somme valley in July. After Pozières the
battalion fought at Ypres in Flanders before returning to the Somme for
winter. In 1917, the battalion returned to Belgium to take part in the
major British offensive of that year - the Third Battle of Ypres. For
his valorous actions at Polygon Wood east of Ypres in September 1917,
Private Roy Inwood was awarded the Victoria Cross. His brother Robert
had been killed at Pozières and another brother, Harold, had been badly
wounded and invalided to Australia in November 1917.
In March and April 1918 the 10th
Battalion helped stop the German spring offensive and was then involved
in the operations leading up to the Allied counter-stroke. In June,
during an attack near Merris in France, Corporal Phillip Davey became
the third member of the battalion to be awarded the Victoria Cross.
Davey had been awarded the Military Medal for bravery near Messines in
January. His brothers Claude and Richard were also members of the
battalion and both had been awarded Military Medals in 1917.
The battalion participated in the
great allied offensive of 1918, fighting near Amiens on 8 August 1918.
This advance by British and empire troops was the greatest success in a
single day on the Western Front, one that German General Erich
Ludendorff described as “the black day of the German Army in this
The battalion continued operations
until late September 1918. At 11 am on 11 November 1918, the guns fell
silent. In November 1918, members of the AIF began returning to
Australia. At 8 am on 5 September 1919, the final detachment of the 10th
Battalion arrived at Adelaide, aboard the transport Takada. Text from
- 1015 killed, 2136 wounded
(including gassed)
- 3 VC
- 1 CMG
- 9 DSO, 1 bar
- 34 MC, 4 bars
- 16 DCM
- 149 MM, 11 bars, 1 2nd bar
- 9 MSM
- 47 MID
- 11 foreign awards