Conflicts/Vietnam |


Early in 1968 the
Communists launched a major offensive to coincide with the traditional
Vietnamese New Year celebrations (29 to 31 January). It was a time of an
agreed cease-fire. NVA/VC suicide troops struck in Sai Gon, Hue was
temporarily occupied, news media reported immense damage in the South
and 19 suicide sappers broke into the compound of the American
Embassy. They were all killed.
- In all 80 different cities, towns
or military bases were attacked, more or less simultaneously.
The people of the South refused to
rally to the cause as the NVA leaders had hoped and the whole thing was
a military disaster.
NVA General Giap was devastated.
He felt that the
gamble was a total waste.
<<< VC casualties post-Tet. |
And then Walter Cronkite, America's
most respected journalist at that time, suggested that America
wasn't winning the war. It was inaccurate, based on a 30 second TV grab
and was not much better than stupid as the figures will show. However it
created the first significant crack in President Johnson's belief that
he could win both the war and re-election. As it turned out he did
Growing reluctance in America to support a war we weren't
winning, combined with Johnson's new found reticence and a fresh surge
of hope in the leadership of North Viet Nam that these things bought on
meant that the beginning of the end had been reached.
- During
the Australian contingent at Nui Dat repulsed a Viet Cong attack on
targets around Ba Ria, the provincial capital, with few casualties.
during Tet Offensive |
Country/Force |
Killed |
Wounded |
Missing |
US, Korea, Australia |
1,536 |
7,764 |
11 |
South Viet Nam |
2,788 |
8,299 |
587 |
North Viet Nam and
Viet Cong |
45,000 |
not known |
not known |
Civilian |
14,000 |
24,000 |
homeless |
- Hanoi was perfectly aware of the
growing US peace movement and
of the deep divisions the war was causing in American society. What
Giap needed was a body-blow that would break Washington's will to
carry on and at the same time would undermine the growing legitimacy
of the Saigon Government once and for all. In one sense, time was
not on Giap's side. While Hanoi was sure that the Americans would
tire of the war as the French had before them, the longer it took,
the stronger the Saigon Government might become. Another year or so
of American involvement could seriously damage the NLF and leave the
ARVN capable of dealing with its enemies on its own. Giap opted for
a quick and decisive victory that would be well in time for the 1968
US Presidential campaign.
- Giap prepared a bold thrust on two
fronts. With memories of the
victory at Dien Bien Phu still in his mind, he planned an attack on
the US Marines' firebase at Khe Sanh. At the same time the NVA and
the NLF planned coordinated attacks on virtually all South Vietnam's
major cities and provincial capitals. If the Americans opted to
defend Khe Sanh, they would find themselves stretched to the limit
when battles erupted elsewhere throughout the South. Forced to
defend themselves everywhere at once, the US & ARVN forces would suffer
a multitude of small to major defeats which would add up to an
overall disaster Khe Sanh would distract the attention of the US
commanders while the NVA/VC was preparing for D-day in South
Vietnam's cities but, when this full offensive was at its height, it
was unlikely that the over-stretched American forces would be able
to keep the base from being overrun and Giap would have repeated his
triumph of fourteen years before.
- It's highly doubtful that the
NVA/VC expected to hold all or even some of
the cities and towns they attacked, but the NLF apparently did
expect large sections of the urban populace to rise up in revolt
With a few exceptions, this didn't happen. South Vietnam's city
dwellers were generally indifferent to both the NLF and the Saigon
Government but the VC clearly expected more support than it actually
got. The object of attacking the cities was not so much to win in a
single blow as it was to inflict a series of humiliating defeats on
the Americans and to destroy the authority of the Saigon Government.
When the US/ARVN forces finally drove the NVA/VC back into the
jungle, there would be left behind a wasteland of rubble, refugees,
and simmering discontent. Stung by their defeats, the Americans
would lose heart for the war and what was left of the Saigon
Government would be forced to reach an agreement with the NLF and
Hanoi which - after a time - would simply take over in the South.
This offensive would begin in January 1968 at the time of the
Vietnamese Tet (New Year) holidays.
- The first attack on Khe Sanh
began shortly before dawn on January 21st, when the NVA attempted to
cross the river running past the base. It was beaten back but
followed by an artillery barrage which damaged the runway, blew up
the main ammunition stores, and damaged a few aircraft. Secondary
attacks were launched against the Special Forces' defenses at Lang
Vel and against the Marines dug-in on the hills surrounding Khe Sanh
but these attacks were aimed more attesting the defenses than
anything else. The next day, helicopters and light cargo aircraft
flew in virtually every few minutes replacing lost ammunition but
the weather began turning worse.
- While the world was watching the
drama unfolding at Khe Sanh, however, NVA and VC regulars were also
drifting into Saigon, Hue, and most of South Vietnam's cities. They
came in twos and threes, disguised as refugees, peasants, workers,
and ARVN soldiers on holiday leave. In Saigon,
roughly the equivalent of five battalions of NVA/VC gradually
infiltrated the city without
anyone informing or any of the countless security police taking
undue notice. Weapons came separately in flower carts, jury-rigged
coffins, and trucks apparently filled with vegetables and rice.
There was also a VC network in Saigon and the other major cities
which had long stockpiled stores of arms and ammunition drawn from
hit-and-run raids or bought openly on the black-market. It was also
no secret that VC drifted in and out of the cities to see relatives
and on general leave from their units. Viet Cong who were captured
during the pre Tet build up were mistaken for regular holiday-makers
or deserters. In the general pattern of the New Year merry-makers,
the VC's secret army of infiltrators went completely unnoticed.
- In the early morning hours of
January 31st, the first day of the Vietnamese New Year, NLF/NVA
troops and commandos attacked virtually every major town and city in
South Vietnam as well as most of the important American bases and
airfields. There were some
earlier attacks around Pleiku, Quang Nam, and Darlac but these were
largely misinterpreted as the enemy's main thrust by those who were
expecting some activity during Tet. Almost everywhere the attacks
came as a total surprise. Vast areas of Saigon and Hue suddenly
found themselves "liberated" and parades of gun-waving
NVA/VC marched through the streets proclaiming the revolution while
their grimmer-minded comrades
rounded up prepared lists of collaborators and government
sympathizers for show trials and quick executions.
- In Saigon, nineteen VC commandos
blew their way through the outer walls of the US Embassy and overran
the five MP's on duty in the early hours of that morning. Two MP's
were killed immediately as the action-team tried to blast their way
through the main Embassy doors with anti-tank rockets. They failed
and found themselves pinned-down by the Marine guards who kept the
VC in an intense firefight until a relief force of US 101st
Airborne landed by helicopter. By mid-morning, the battle had
turned. All nineteen VC were
killed, their bodies scattered
around the Embassy courtyard. Five Americans and two Vietnamese
civilians were among the other dead. The commandos had been dressed
in civilian clothing and had rolled-up to the Embassy in an ancient
truck. The security of the Embassy was not in serious danger after
the first few minutes and the damage was slight but this attack on
'American soil" captured
the imagination of the media and the battle became symbolic of the
Tet Offensive throughout the world.
- When the fighting at Tan Son Nhut
was over, twenty-three Americans were dead, eighty-five were wounded
and up to fifteen aircraft had suffered serious damage. Two
NVA/VC battalions attacked the US air-base at Bien Hoa
and crippled over twenty aircraft at a cost of nearly 170
casualties. Further fighting at Bien Hoa during the Tet offensive
would take the NVA/VC death total in Saigon to nearly 1200.
- The fighting within Saigon itself
was pretty much over by February 5th
but it carried on in Cholon until the last week of the month. Cholon
was strafed, bombed, and shelled but the NVA/VC held on and even
mounted sporadic counter-offensives against US/ARVN positions within
the city and against Tan Son Nhut airport. B-52 strikes against
communist positions outside Saigon came within a few miles of the
city When the NVA/VC were finally driven out of Saigon's suburbs,
they retreated into the surrounding government villages and fought
there. US and ARVN artillery and strike-aircraft bombed and shelled
these supposedly pacified villages before troops moved in to
reoccupy them. The NVA/VC repeated this tactic again and again in a
clear effort to make the Saigon Government destroy their own
fortified villages and, by doing so, further alienate the rural
population. A month after the offensive began, US estimates put the
number of civilian dead at some 15,000 and the number of new
refugees at anything up to two million and still the battles went
- Elsewhere in South Vietnam, the
success of the Tet offensive was erratic. Many of the attacks on the
provincial cities and US bases were easily beaten back within the
first minutes or hours, but others involved bitter fighting. In the
resort city of Dalat, the ARVN put up a spirited defense of the
Vietnamese Military Academy against a determined VC battalion.
Fighting raged over the Pasteur Institute - which changed hands
several times-and the VC dug themselves in the central market
Fighting in Dalat went on until mid-February and left over 200 VC
- After Hue was finally recaptured at
the end of February South Vietnamese officials sifting through the
rubble found mass graves with over 1200 corpses and-sometime
later-other mass burials in the provincial area. The
total number of bodies unearthed came to around 2500
but the number of civilians estimated as missing after the Hue
battle was nearly 6000. Many of the victims found were Catholics who
sought sanctuary in a church but were taken out and later shot.
Others were apparently being marched off for political
"re-education" but were shot when American or ARVN units
came too close.
The mass graves within Hue itself
were largely of those who had been picked up and executed for
various "enemy of the people" offenses. There is some
doubt that the NVA/VC had planned all these executions beforehand
but unquestionably it was the largest
communist purge of the
- Giap's ambition to win a massive
victory against the Americans was thwarted
by massive aerial bombardments of NVA positions. B-52's and strike
aircraft dropped their loads with pin-point accuracy within a few
hundred feet of Khe Sanh's perimeter. During the course of the
battle, tons of bombs and napalm were dropped around Khe Sanh. The
NVA launched further attacks on February 17th, 18th, and 29th but
massed artillery and air-strikes broke the first up fairly easily
while the second involved heavy fighting. In early April, relief
forces reached the base. A 1st Cavalry helicopter assault force
landed near Khe Sanh as American and ARVN forces hit NVA positions
along Route 9. Khe Sanh was relieved on April 6th and, four days
later, Lang Vei was reoccupied. Fighting continued around Khe Sanh
for a time but Giap had long
since given up any hope of overrunning the base.
- Giap had been frustrated at Khe
Sanh and defeated in South Vietnam's cities. NVA/VC dead totaled
some 45,000 and the number of prisoners nearly 7,000. But the
shockwave of the battle finished Johnson's willingness to carry on.
Westmoreland was pressuring Washington for 206,000 troops to carry
on the campaign in the South and to make a limited invasion of North
Vietnam just above the DMZ. As the battle for Hue died out, Johnson
asked Clark Clifford (who had recently replaced a disillusioned
McNamara as Secretary of Defense) to find ways and means of meeting
Westmoreland's request.
- Clifford and an advisor group
looked at the war to date and among others, consulted CIA Director
Richard Helms who presented the Agency's gloomy forecasts in great
detail. On March 4th Clifford told Johnson that the war was far from
won and that more men would make little difference. Johnson then
turned to his chief group of informal advisors (which included among
others, Generals Omar Bradley, Matthew Ridgway, and Maxwell Taylor;
Cyrus Vance, Dean Acheson, and Henry Cabot Lodge). Johnson soon
found that they too, like Clifford, had turned against the war.
According to Thomas Powers, Johnson's "wise old men" had
been told that recent CIA studies showed that the pacification
programme was failing in forty of South Vietnam's forty-four
provinces and that the NLF's manpower was actually twice the number
that had been estimated previously. Not only had Tet shown that the
optimism of the previous year had been an illusion but it now seemed
that the enemy was far stronger than anybody had thought and that
the long efforts to win Vietnamese "hearts and minds" had
largely been a disaster.
- Johnson's dilemma was complete. He
couldn't meet the generals' manpower requests without either
depleting Europe of American troops- which was unacceptable- or
without calling up the active reserves which would have been a
political disaster. His most senior advisors had turned against the
war and Johnson took another briefing from the CIA analyst whose
gloomy reports had soured some of his most hawkish counselors. A few
days after this briefing, Johnson
went on TV to announce a bombing halt of the North and America's
willingness to meet with the North Vietnamese to seek a peace
settlement. Johnson then said
that he was not a candidate for re-election under any circumstances
and would spend the rest of his term in a search for peace in
- One of those present at the special
CIA briefing which convinced Johnson that a change of course was
inevitable was General
Creighton Abrams,
Westmoreland's deputy commander. Shortly after Johnson's turnabout,
Abrams replaced Westmoreland as
head of US forces in Vietnam.
- Vietnamization is usually credited
to Nixon but it began in the wake of the Tet Offensive and Johnson's
Giap's gamble had
another side effect. When the Tet Offensive began, many US officials
believed that the NLF had offered the Americans a golden opportunity
by fighting a pitched battle where it could be defeated in open
combat. In effect, the NLF was "leading with its chin" and
the massive losses it suffered bear this out The
VC was not broken by the Tet Offensive but it was severely crippled by
it and, from then on, the North
took on the main burden of the war. Further fighting in 1968 and the
increasing activity of the Phoenix Program further decimated
the NLF's ranks and the role of the North grew even larger.
The northern and
southern parts of Vietnam had ancient cultural and social differences
and while the communist cadres at the center of the NLF had managed
largely to suppress these natural antagonisms, there still were basic
differences in goals and approach. The NLF had gone into the Tet
Offensive in the hope of giving a death-blow to the Saigon Government
and, if it couldn't capture power directly, it could at least gain a
coalition leading to ultimate authority. The
NLF's dream vanished in the rubble of South Vietnam's cities and it
would be Hanoi that conquered Saigon.
Partly from "The Vietnam
Experience Nineteen Sixty-Eight"