Category: Army
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A Brief History of
Australia's Reserve Forces to the mid-1980's
Part-time voluntary defence units have
played an important part in Australian defence since early colonial
The strategic rationale for raising and maintaining part-time
forces, the relative priority they have received in defence planning,
the budgetary allocations they have attracted, their numerical strengths
and standards of training and equipment, however, have all changed
markedly, especially during the twentieth century. |
Most notably, part-time forces
comprised essentially the Army up until the end of the Second World War.
In the period since, the part-time forces in all three Services have
been largely relegated to the status of reserves with a role of
providing support to more operationally ready and better resourced
permanent forces.
This history traces briefly the
evolution of part-time forces in each of the three Australian armed
Services until the mid-1980s. The nature of the discussion of each
Service has intentionally been tailored to reflect its specific
situation. Hence, in the case of Army's part-time forces, their scale
and importance have required a relatively detailed tracing of their
evolving rationale and circumstances. The part-time forces of Navy and
Air Force, because of their smaller scale and generally subsidiary
importance, are discussed in less detail and with a sharper focus on
organisational changes. 
The role of Reserve forces in all
three Australian Services changed markedly between the inter-war period
and the mid-1980s. At the outbreak of World War II, part-time forces had
been the predominant component of the Royal Australian Navy, a large
part of the Australian Army and a significant component of the Royal
Australian Air Force. In that era permanent Army personnel existed
primarily to support the larger citizen militia. The higher levels of
Permanent Force personnel in the RAN and the RAAF reflected the
comparative complexity of the technologies and many of the training
requirements of those services.
By the mid-1980s the relative
contribution of the Reserve elements of all three services was markedly
diminished. The Regular Army had clearly become the primary Australian
ground force element. It attracted a significant proportion of the
budget and nearly all of the modern equipment. In every case requiring
the commitment of significant combat forces abroad after World War II,
Regular troops or a combination of Regulars and national service
personnel have been committed. The Army Reserve was most unlikely to be
called on to provide units for service overseas. Opportunities arose for
selected Army Reserve personnel to participate in some foreign
contingencies, but only on a strictly voluntary basis and most
frequently as individuals.
Naval and Air Force Reserves resource
allocations fell markedly, their relative strengths were not maintained
and they were gradually removed from the most attractive ‘sharp-end’
operational roles. After the 1950s very few Naval Reservists gained
significant experience on large naval combatants and there were few
opportunities for Air Force Reservists to become flight crew in
operational units.
There are numerous reasons why the
Australian Defence Force developed in this way. One was that
Australia’s strategic priorities changed markedly. In the post-war era
Australian Governments wanted to be able to maintain significant forces
at higher levels of readiness for foreign deployment or, since the early
1970s, for operations in the direct defence of Australia. The training
levels of the traditional forms of Australian Reserve units were judged
to be insufficient to maintain the readiness standards required.
Reserve units were also considered
unsuitable for extended foreign deployments short of a major defence
Another important factor was the
increasing sophistication and complexity of the technologies, training
and operational practices of the three Services, especially the RAAF and
RAN. In many fields it was judged impractical for individual Reservists
or Reserve units to acquire and maintain the skills essential for front
line operational service in the limited training time that was
By the mid-1980s the roles of the
Services’ Reserve forces had become severely constrained. While Navy
and Air Force Reserves had some limited access to a few relatively minor
defence equipments and systems, their primary role had become that of
force supplements. They existed primarily to support the peacetime
activities of the much larger Permanent Forces, to contribute indirectly
to military capabilities and to fill a small number of non-military and
largely professional requirements.
The Army Reserve, by contrast,
maintained more of a complementary role to the Regular Army. It was
structured to reinforce the Regular Army in the defence of Australia,
though it was recognised that full emergency deployment of the Army
Reserve would take six months and more. A second complementary role was
to provide part of the base for force expansion, should the threat of a
substantial international conflict be recognised sufficiently early to
permit a significant Army Reserve contribution.
Material in this section is drawn
extensively from Chapter 1 of The Australian Defence Force Reserves,
Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, November 1991,
AGPS Canberra.
This material is used by permission of the Joint Standing Committee on
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee Secretariat.  |
History of the Royal
Australian Naval Reserve
From early this century, the
development of Australia's Naval Reserves broadly paralleled that of the
Army's Reserves with numerous changes of organisation and name.
1901 to 1910, the Naval Militia numbered fewer than 1,000 members and
their training was minimal.
A Directorate of Naval Reserves was
established in 1911 to administer naval participation in the compulsory
part-time military training scheme which was adopted following Lord
Kitchener's review. |
Those Naval Reservists who were under
18 years of age and liable for compulsory training were members of the
Royal Australian Naval Reserve (O) (RANR(O)). Those older than 18, and
hence not liable for compulsory service, were members of the Royal
Australian Naval Reserve (M) (RANR(M)). In July 1913 the Australian
element of the Royal Naval Reserve - which comprised mainly professional
civilian seafarers - was transferred to Commonwealth control and renamed
the Australian Naval Reserve (Sea-going).
Prior to the outbreak of World War I
the Royal Australian Naval Reserve (Sea-going) was re-named the Royal
Australian Naval Reserve (RANR), and the RANR(M) and RANR(O) became the
Royal Australian Naval Brigade. The Royal Australian Naval Brigade
ultimately included a number of other specific naval units, including
the Naval Expeditionary Force, New Guinea, 1914.
Compulsory Naval Reserve training was
suspended in 1920 and the title Naval Brigade was discarded in favour of
the term Royal Australian Naval Reserve. The existing RANR was
re-organised as a reserve of mercantile marine officers and the title
RANR (Sea-going) was reinstated. Then, in 1921, a new category of naval
reserves was established, the Royal Australian Naval Volunteer Reserve
(RANVR). This organisation sought to enlist those - such as yachtsmen
– with extensive experience in small and medium craft operations.
At the outbreak of World War II there
were 75 officers in the RANR (Sea-going), 245 officers and 3,900 sailors
in the RANR and 160 officers in the RANVR. During the War, normal
reserve training was suspended but the majority of new sailor entries
was enlisted as members of the RANR (Sea-going) or the RANVR. By the end
of the War, the Reserve had increased to some 2,900 officers and 27,000
sailors, which represented 80 per cent of Australian personnel serving
in the Commonwealth Naval Forces.
In 1943 a Special Branch of the RANVR
was created and all officers who had been commissioned since the
outbreak of hostilities and engaged in specified types of naval service
were transferred to it. Special Branch personnel were engaged in a wide
range of technical and operational duties. When the War ended the
Special Branch contained 600 officers.
Most of the Naval loan personnel that
the Royal Navy drew from Australia during World War II came from the
ranks of the RANVR. Of some 500 Australians serving with the Royal Navy
in June 1944, more than 400 were members of the RANVR.
Naval Reserve training did not
re-commence immediately after the War. It was resumed when rising
international tensions stimulated the Menzies Government to institute a
number of precautionary defence measures in 1950 and 1951, including a
compulsory national service training scheme. Those opting for the Naval
variant of the scheme were given 154 days continuous training,
comprising six weeks basic training, followed by eight weeks technical
training ashore and a further eight weeks service afloat. By the time
this scheme was abandoned in 1957 the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) had
trained 6,860 national servicemen.
In 1964 Navy followed an Army
initiative in establishing an Emergency Reserve, known as the Royal
Australian Naval Emergency Reserve (RANER). It consisted of ex-RAN and
trained RANR personnel who were prepared to make themselves available
for immediate call out in a situation short of war or defence emergency.
In 1974 entry and re-enlistment in the RANER was suspended. The RANER
has been dormant since 1979.
On 7 June 1973 the branch of the
Reserves confined to officers who followed the sea as a profession,
namely the RANR (Sea-going), and the RAN Volunteer Reserve were absorbed
into the Royal Australian Naval Reserve.
By the mid-1980s the Australian Naval
Reserve had three component parts, two of which - the Emergency List (of
officers) and the Fleet Reserve (of sailors) - comprised ex-permanent
naval forces. These two components contributed over two thirds of
Australian Naval Reserve strength, but they were largely latent forces
with no training obligation.
The Australian Naval Reserve was
focussed in nine Naval Reserve units located in various parts of the
country. Their tasks included the collection of intelligence,
surveillance, reconnaissance and patrol, Naval control of shipping, mine
and counter-mine warfare, seaward and harbour defence, naval aviation
and logistic support of the RAN. 
Material in this section is drawn
extensively from Chapter 1 of The Australian Defence Force Reserves,
Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, November 1991,
AGPS Canberra.
This material is used by permission of the Joint Standing Committee on
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee Secretariat.
© Commonwealth of Australia 2000. This
work is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this
material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your
personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation. All other
rights are reserved. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and
rights should be addressed to the Manager, Legislative Services,
AusInfo. GPO Box 1920, Canberra ACT 2601 or by email to Cwealthcopyright@dofa.gov.au |
History of the
Army Reserve 
The first Australian part-time
defence units were raised in September 1800. Known as the Sydney and
Parramatta Loyal Associations, they were a response to fears of Irish
and convict uprisings and, later, to concerns about the possibility of
French raids during the Napoleonic Wars. |
From 1850 to 1900, enthusiasm and
Government support for volunteer defence forces waxed and waned,
largely in accordance with perceptions of external threat. During the
Crimean War, Victoria raised voluntary rifle and cavalry units. New
South Wales recruited a battalion of riflemen and a battery of
artillery, primarily to man the expanded fortifications around Sydney
Harbour. By 1863 these two colonies had mustered over 5,000
These part-time troops were not paid directly for their
service but were entitled to a Government grant of 50 acres of land on
completion of five years ‘efficient’ service.
In contrast to the mostly poor and
squalid backgrounds of the British regular troops garrisoned in the
colonies, the local volunteers drew heavily on the rising urban and
rural middle classes. A large proportion of this local force consisted
of artisans and skilled labourers. Volunteering members needed to pay
the costs of their uniforms and cover their wages forgone. They were
also free to resign at any time and unit discipline was usually less
than stringent. The Government’s prime obligation was to provide
appropriate weaponry.
During the 1860s 2,500 men from the
eastern Australian colonies volunteered for service in the Waikato War
against the Maoris in New Zealand. Many of these individuals had
experience in the colonial volunteer forces.
During this period security scares
were not only stimulated by distant European wars but also by rumours
of the approach of foreign naval vessels. A continuing colonial
nightmare was the early morning appearance in the port approaches of a
foreign warship which was able to shell the coastal cities with
virtual impunity. In 1839 two American warships did, in fact, anchor
overnight in Sydney Harbour undetected. In 1878 there was mild panic
when an Italian cruiser appeared unexpectedly off Sydney Heads.
The departure of the last British
troops from Australia in 1870 precipitated the raising of a new
category of local military force. While the ‘volunteers’ provided
a basic local defence capacity for a very modest cost, successive
reviews of defence preparation in the colonies highlighted a need for
higher standards of training, stricter discipline and the introduction
of more modern equipment. The gold rushes and associated economic
prosperity also generated a climate in which colonial administrations
felt that they could afford to build more capable defence units.
Consequently, volunteers were sought for a new, partially paid,
colonial militia force. Militia volunteers were supplied with uniforms
and essential equipment as well as cash payments for periods of
service. In return, the training periods for these units were
compulsory and their exercising and discipline were far more rigorous
than for the ‘volunteers’.
The Australian colonies were very
cautious about raising regular military units. There was a widespread
aversion to the dangers of militarism and wariness about the potential
for permanent defence forces to be used to suppress workers’
movements. There was also little interest in generating an officer
‘caste’ along the lines fostered by the British. Most Australians
did not want to compromise their egalitarian spirit by creating a more
formal, permanent, professional military force. Thus when the first
full-time defence units were raised in some of the colonies in the
1870s, they were very small in size and tasked with supporting the
much larger militias, primarily in manning the expanded network of
coastal fortifications.
This meant that by the 1880s the
following categories of military service existed in several of the
colonies: permanent, militia, volunteer and school cadet and rifle
club reserves.
The economic Depression of the 1890s
brought a severe reduction in spending on defence, reduced manning
levels, cuts in militia and permanent force pay and severely curtailed
training periods. The Depression also brought serious industrial
disturbances which led the Victorian and Queensland Governments to
call out troops to reinforce State police. These operations against
strikers exacerbated the distrust of large segments of the population
of the military.
The New South Wales commitment of
forces to the Sudan in 1885 and the commitments of all six colonies to
South Africa in 1899 required calls for volunteers for overseas
service. Many, but not all, of those who volunteered had previous
militia or volunteer experience.
During the Boer War, eight
contingents totalling some 16,175 men left Australia for South Africa.
This experience fostered a popular belief that young Australian men,
especially those from rural areas, possessed natural bush skills that
made them 'born' soldiers. The experience of the Boer War, however,
suggested that, while Australians possessed many valuable natural
attributes, thorough training and appropriate equipment were also
essential. While the first two contingents acquitted themselves well,
the latter contingents were less experienced and weaknesses in
training and discipline became apparent.
At the federation of the Australian
colonies on 1 January 1901, responsibility for defence passed from the
individual colonies to the new Federal Government. In terms of
manpower, the national government inherited a total of 29,000 soldiers
(including 1,500 on full-time duty) and 2,000 naval personnel
(including 250 on full-time duty).
The resounding Japanese naval
victory over Russian forces in the North-west Pacific in 1905 and the
withdrawal of British capital ships from the theatre following
conclusion of the Anglo-Japanese alliance again stirred Australian
feelings of vulnerability and encouraged an expansion of Australia's
defences. W.M. Hughes had for some years been urging adoption of
compulsory part-time military service because he saw it as a means of
society as a whole enhancing its security while avoiding the
propagation of militarism, the threat that armed forces might be used
against the workers and disruption to business and civil life.
In 1909 Field Marshal Lord Kitchener
was invited to review Australia's defences and provide professional
comment on the proposed compulsory military training scheme. His
report foresaw the possibility that in a future crisis the Royal Navy
might be distracted elsewhere and Australia may need to provide the
main forces for its own defence. He endorsed the compulsory military
service scheme and called for increasing the size of the Australian
militia army to 80,000 men. The Government accepted the thrust of his
report and 92,000 18-25-year-olds boosted the ranks of the militia by
commencing part-time training in 1911.
An important parallel development
during this period was the establishment of the Royal Military
College, Duntroon, to provide staff officers and instructors for the
growing militia army.
By the outbreak of war in 1914, over
200,000 Australians were on full- or part-time service. It was not
possible, however, for the existing army units to be committed
directly to hostilities. The Commonwealth Defence Act precluded the
dispatch of any but volunteers for overseas service. Therefore, in
raising a special force to capture German New Guinea and in creating
the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) to serve in Europe and the Middle
East, the Government appealed to the entire population for recruits.
In the event, a large number of volunteers and compulsorily trained
militia made themselves available.
A notable feature of the Australian
forces committed to World War I was the quality and effectiveness of
many of the senior citizen force officers. Monash and other officers
of high calibre were the product of long periods of militia training.
They believed strongly that their part-time backgrounds rendered them
more suitable for high command than permanent officers.
The vast human costs of the war, the
divisive wartime plebiscites on compulsory overseas service and the
apparent opportunity for post-war arms control generated strong
pressures to cut defence expenditure in the early 1920s. Nevertheless,
compulsory militia training for home service continued until 1929. Its
cessation placed unexpectedly sudden pressure on the volunteer force.
The great depression further reduced defence spending over the
following three years, bringing the armed forces to their lowest
strength in the inter-war period.
In the mid-1930s the rise of Hitler
and Japan's operations in China revived concerns in Australia about
the likelihood of a new world war. Defence expenditures rose at an
increasing rate towards the end of the decade. By 1939 Australia's
Army consisted of 3,000 permanent personnel and 80,000 under-equipped,
part-time citizen force volunteers.1
At the outbreak of World War II
neither the Government nor the Opposition was enthusiastic about
introducing compulsory overseas military service. So in raising forces
for overseas service (the Second AIF) volunteers were again sought
from the general community. Militia were encouraged to transfer to the
AIF, but only about one quarter did so. The remainder continued to
serve in Australia.
Thus, at the beginning of the World
War II, Australia effectively maintained no less than three armies:
the Second AIF, an all-volunteer
force eligible for overseas service anywhere;
a militia, which was ineligible for
service outside Australia; and
the permanent Army, which was a
relatively small force of volunteer personnel.
The distinctions between the militia
and the other forms of service were subsequently modified in February
1943, when legislation was passed extending the region in which the
militia was liable for service to include the entire South-West Pacific
area, excluding the Philippines, West Java and North Borneo. Many
militia units subsequently distinguished themselves in combat overseas.
Nevertheless, this differentiation within Army remained a continuing
source of friction.
Many developments during World War
II had long-term consequences for the future shape of the Australian
Defence Force. One important development was the growth of a close and
enduring strategic relationship with the United States, which was
predicated on defending Australian and allied interests on an almost
continuous basis in forward Asian theatres. Another was the increasing
complexity and technological sophistication of modern war, which
encouraged the application of higher levels of technical expertise to
the profession of arms. A third was that, in contrast to World War I,
the permanent Staff Corps officers gradually gained the ascendancy in
senior Australian command positions. A fourth important consequence
was that World War II accelerated greatly the industrialisation of the
Australian economy and established the foundations for relative
prosperity in the late 1940s and through the 1950s.
Accordingly, when the post-war shape
of the Defence Force came to be discussed seriously in 1945, the
conditions were different in many respects from those of the 1930s.
Moreover, the Government of the day urgently wished to commit a
brigade of volunteer troops to the British Commonwealth Occupation
Force in Japan. These volunteers were drawn from veterans of the
demobilising 6th, 7th and 9th Divisions of the AIF and signed up as
permanent personnel. This was, in effect, a major break with
Australian military tradition. Militia and other volunteers were not
sought to fill this commitment. It soon became clear that permanent
soldiers were no longer to be merely assistants and facilitators for
the much larger citizen militia. The Australian Regular Army (ARA) was
formally established in 1947 with its own organisation and front-line
The permanent infantry brigade of
three battalions committed to Japan was to form the core of the
Regular Army during the late 1940s and through the 1950s. By 1949 the
Regular Army numbered some 15,000 troops. A voluntary Citizen Military
Force (CMF) was re-established in 1948 with the traditional part-time
training obligations of evening parades, weekend ‘bivouacs’ and an
annual 14-day continuous training camp. The Regular Army continued to
provide the CMF with limited support, primarily in the form of a
training cadre.
The crisis in Korea led the
Australian Government to commit first one and then two regular
infantry battalions to the conflict. Coming on top of the requirement
to provide substantial continuing support to the CMF, the Regular Army
was stretched severely.
Additional training demands were
imposed by the Government’s decision, in March 1951, to expand the
CMF through a compulsory national service scheme. The Government
announced that it was deeply disturbed by the rise of international
communism and it saw an urgent need to take precautionary steps
against the possibility of a new global conflict. Under this scheme,
all male British subjects were liable for call up at 18 years of age
for 176 days training in the Citizen Naval Forces, Citizen Military
Forces or the Citizen Air Force.
For the Army, 98 days initial
continuous training was required, followed by 12 days part-time
training and a 14-day continuous training camp in each of the
succeeding three years. Some 34,500 young men were called up in the
first year. This number was far beyond the training capacity of the
Regular personnel that, owing to the Korean War, were available. The
military value of the scheme was limited.
In 1955 the period of obligatory CMF
service was reduced to 140 days and the scheme was suspended
altogether in 1959. By the end of 1960, CMF strength had fallen to
During the 1950s the political
influence of the ‘CMF lobby’ was strong. Rivalries with the
Regular officer corps were frequently intense and, at one point during
this decade, a serious attempt was made to have a CMF officer
appointed as Chief of the General Staff (CGS).
An important turning point in the
history of the CMF came in 1959-1960. Not only was national service
suspended, but also the Army introduced a Pentropic organisation,
modelled on a similar US Army formation that was then in vogue. This
heavy restructuring of the Army caused a contraction in the number of
CMF battalions, changes in many unit names and a loss of esprit de
corps. Many veterans from World War II resigned from the CMF during
this period.
In July 1962 Australia deployed 30
Regular Army advisers to South Vietnam, and in 1965 this commitment
rose to battalion strength. In 1965 also, Australia committed another
infantry battalion to counter Indonesian operations against East
Malaysia. The Australian Army was rapidly becoming over-stretched in
two simultaneous and relatively open-ended conflicts.
In order to expand rapidly the
capabilities of the Regular Army, Prime Minister Menzies announced in
November 1964 the introduction of a new compulsory, but selective,
national service scheme. This facilitated a build up of the Regular
Army to nine battalions by 1967.
The introduction of national service
had major consequences for the CMF. Under the national service
legislation, men who joined the CMF before their age group was
balloted were exempt from the national service call up but were
required to spend six years in CMF service. In addition, those called
up for two years full-time national service were required to serve a
further three years in the CMF on return to civilian life. This meant
that many young men joined the CMF out of a desire to avoid national
service, rather than contribute to the CMF. Hence, even though CMF
enlistments rose rapidly during the latter half of the 1960s, the
effectiveness of the force did not rise in parallel.
The abolition of the national
service scheme in 1972 was one of the first acts of the new Whitlam
Government. This left the CMF as a rapidly reducing force (as forced
entrants withdrew) and with a clouded future role. In an effort to
clarify the situation, Dr T.B. Millar was appointed in May 1973 to
head a committee to inquire into the future of the CMF. The Millar
Report2 was the most comprehensive review of Australian
Defence Force Reserves since at least World War II. Its principal
conclusions and recommendations were that:
a partly trained Reserve force was
an essential component of the defence of Australia;
the Citizen Military Forces should
be renamed the Army Reserve;
Australia should have one Army (ie
total force) with two complementary elements, the Regular Army and
the Army Reserve;
the Army Reserve should be
developed to provide an effective operational force for the
defence of Australia at short notice and also to provide a basis
for force expansion in the long term;
many Army Reserve units should be
amalgamated to make better use of the available manpower;
a Chief of Army Reserves should be
appointed to the Department of Defence (Army Office);
a Committee for Employer Support
should be established, with an element in each State; and
numerous detailed steps should be
taken to, for example, improve training, structures, recruitment
and administrative procedures.
The Government accepted Millar’s principal recommendations and
most were planned to be implemented progressively over the
following decade.
The 1976 White Paper Australian
Defence reaffirmed the Government’s support for Millar’s
recommendations and predicted that the ongoing reorganisation would
raise the effectiveness of the Army Reserve.
Following the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan in December 1979, the Government announced an expansion of
Army Reserve numbers to 30,000. This policy, however, was not
sustained. Another cause of decreased strength was the removal -
albeit for less than a year - of the tax exempt status of Reserve pay
in the 1983-84 budget. By the mid-1980s the effective strength of the
Army Reserve had stabilised at about 25,000.
1. By way of contrast, the Royal
Australian Navy had an establishment of 10,350 (including 4,800
reservists) and the Royal Australian Air Force numbered some 3,650
(including about 650 reservists).
2. T.B. Millar, Committee of Inquiry
into the Citizen Military Forces Report, AGPS, Canberra, 1974. 
Material in this section is drawn
extensively from Chapter 1 of The Australian Defence Force Reserves,
Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, November 1991,
AGPS Canberra.
This material is used by permission of the Joint Standing Committee on
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee Secretariat.
© Commonwealth of Australia 2000. This
work is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this
material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your
personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation. All
other rights are reserved. Requests and inquiries concerning
reproduction and rights should be addressed to the Manager,
Legislative Services, AusInfo. GPO Box 1920, Canberra ACT 2601 or by
email to Cwealthcopyright@dofa.gov.au
History of the Royal Australian
Air Force Reserve  |
Reserve forces in the Royal
Australian Air Force (RAAF) were established on 14 November 1921, well
after those of the other two Services. By early 1922, four ex-World
War I squadrons had been re-formed, staffed by one third Permanent Air
Force members and two-thirds Citizen Air Force personnel. The
contribution of the Citizen Air Force was such that the siting of the
RAAF’s first two bases (Point Cook in Victoria and Richmond in New
South Wales) was influenced strongly by the need for them to be
accessible to Citizen Force personnel in Melbourne and Sydney. |
The deteriorating international
situation in the mid-1930s spurred an expansion of the RAAF and the
creation of more squadrons, initially No 21 (City of Melbourne)
Squadron and No 22 (City of Sydney) Squadron. Essentially, RAAF
squadrons comprised a cadre of Permanent aircrew in one flight and two
other flights made up of Citizen Force personnel. At the outbreak of
World War II the RAAF comprised 3,000 Permanent Air Force members, 500
Citizen Air Force personnel and 150 officers on the Reserve List.
The 1930s was a decade of debate
about the vexed question of the capacity of ‘part-time’ pilots to
master the full range of operational flying skills. As early as 1928,
an external review of the RAAF by a senior British officer was
critical of the use of Citizen Force aircrew. Finally, in August 1939,
these aircrew were relegated to the least demanding role among the
nine then performed.
In December 1939, the Empire Air
Training Scheme was launched to train aircrew in Australia, Canada and
Rhodesia for service with the Royal Air Force. A total of 40,777
personnel graduated from this scheme. This was a substantial
contribution to the defeat of Germany, but it did deprive the RAAF of
potential aircrew needed for the defence of Australia.
Starting in 1948 Citizen Air Force
squadrons were re-formed as fighter units at locations close to their
affiliated cities, namely, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide and
Perth, and resumed their pre-war role of providing flying training for
Citizen Air Force personnel. Following Prime Minister Menzies’
‘call to arms’ in 1950, the Air Board approved an extension of
Citizen Air Force squadrons to seven country ‘flights’ and the
establishment of University Air Units and the Air Training Corps. This
1950 revival called for an Active Reserve of 10,000 personnel, but by
1953 the prospect of renewed global hostilities had receded, defence
spending was curtailed and the country flights were disbanded. During
this period the Citizen Air Force reached a strength of only 1,620
personnel. By contrast, the RAAF General Reserve (a list of retired
personnel with no continuing service obligation short of a defence
emergency) kept growing until it peaked at 16,800 in 1964.
In 1959 the Air Board decided that
with most wartime aircraft being phased out of service it was not
practical to continue to train Citizen Air Force pilots to operational
standards on modern aircraft. Nevertheless, it was felt that Citizen
Air Force units should still function as elements of the RAAF.
Consequently, the five Citizen Air Force Squadrons were re-formed in
1960 as non-flying, auxiliary squadrons with a total establishment of
In 1964 the RAAF decided to follow
an Army precedent and raise an Emergency Reserve. The major
distinction between the Emergency Reserve and the Citizen Air Force
Reserve was the obligation of the former in call out in situations
short of a declared emergency. Wider call out provisions were deemed
necessary to meet possible contingencies in South-East Asia under the
SEATO Treaty. The planned establishment of the Air Force Emergency
Reserve was 1,338 but this was never achieved. Emergency Reserve
numbers peaked at 705 in 1971, a time when many volunteers came
forward to avoid the national service ballot.
In 1970 the then Department of Air
reviewed RAAF Reserve Forces and recommended the disbandment of both
the Air Force Emergency Reserve and University Squadrons. This was
done in 1973. The 1970 review also recommended an increase of Citizen
Air Force personnel from 600 to 800. The reasoning in this review was
that in any proclaimed emergency the Citizen Air Force would provide
rapid reinforcement of the Permanent Air Force.
- The RAAF conducted another review of
its Reserve forces in 1976, concluding that three elements were
Citizen Air Force Auxiliary
a Citizen Air Force Specialist
Reserve (comprising Reserve medical, legal, chaplain and other
staff); and
the General Reserve.
The 1975 review again reduced the
establishment of the Citizen Air Force Squadrons, and it also changed
their role markedly. The expressed logic was, that because of the
limited size of the Citizen Air Forces, it could make only a small
contribution to the Permanent Air Force in any emergency.
Consequently, it was given the task of training personnel who could be
added to the General Reserve.
The RAAF conducted yet another
review of its reserve forces in 1979, deciding this time to expand the
Active Reserve to 1,800 personnel and move to integrate its operations
as far as possible with the Permanent Air Force. No 26 (City of
Newcastle) Squadron and No 27 (City of Townsville) Squadron were
formed on 1 July 1981 and No 28 (City of Canberra) Squadron was formed
on 1 July 1983 as part of this expansion. In 1984 the ceiling of the
Active Reserve was reduced again to 1,400 because of reductions in
salary appropriations.
A Reserve Aircrew Trial Scheme was
commenced in 1981 to once more employ selected aircrew members of the
Active Reserve on flying duties. In that same year an Active Reserve
Staff Group was formed to give the RAAF access to a pool of former
Permanent Air Force officers with recent staff experience and to
provide a means of assisting those RAAF bases without Active Reserve
Material in this section is drawn
extensively from Chapter 1 of The Australian Defence Force Reserves,
Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade, November 1991,
AGPS Canberra.
This material is used by permission of the Joint Standing Committee on
Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee Secretariat.
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