World War I - Sinai,
Palestine and Syria- Overview

In March 1916, the ANZAC Mounted
Division was formed, from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Light Horse Brigades and
the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, in Egypt. It was commanded by
Major General (later Lieutenant General Sir) Harry G. Chauvel.
The Corps played a prominent part in
the capture of Jerusalem in December. Despite the loss of many
experienced troops, the Corps defeated a determined attack by the German
Asia Corps at Abu Tellul in April. During September, the Corps played an
important part in the advance to Haifa and Semakh, entering Damascus on
1 October. Turkey signed an armistice at the end of that month, by which
time Corps units had reached Aleppo.
- The total battle casualties for the
AIF in this campaign were 416 officers and 4435 other ranks, with 96
officers and 1278 enlisted men dying from all causes.

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