Category: Badges |
SERVICE BADGES 1939-1945 |
- Framed collection of specimen
1939-194 '.
Each badge is pinned to the backing
and surrounded by a black circle with the name below.
This framed collection was put
together during the Second World War by the Department
of Defence.
Each of these badges were issued for
specific purposes and had particular criteria attached.
- The
top row, from left to right shows the
Mothers and Widows
Badge, a round white metal
badge bearing the image of a grieving woman with a laurel wreath
and the words 'FOR AUSTRALIA'.
A bar is attached to the bottom
of the badge bearing brass stars to represent children
killed; |
be issued to the mother and/or widow of a member of the RAN, AIF
(including AANS), or RAAF killed in action, or died of wounds or
from other causes whilst on service or as a result of such
service. Additional stars will be added in the case of the death
of more than one child. |
Returned From Active
Service Badge which is a
bronze badge of a combined anchor, rising sun and wings surmounted
by a king's crown. Underneath is a boomerang with the words
To be issued to members of the Navy,
AIF (including the AANS), RAAF, Voluntary Aid Detachments,
approved representatives of philanthropic bodies, and Official
Press Correspondents and Official Photographers, upon return from
service abroad. |

Female Relatives
badge, a round white metal
badge which is edged with laurel leaves and surmounted by a king's
crown. In the centre is a map of Australia and the words, 'TO THE
WOMEN OF AUSTRALIA'. Underneath is a bar bearing brass stars
to represent each child on active service abroad. |
To be issued to the wife and/or mother or nearest
female relative of members of the RAN, AIF (including members of
the Australian Army Nursing Service), and the RAAF on active
service abroad. Additional stars will be added to the badge for
additional children on service. |
- The middle row contains two badges.
The first is the

General Service Badge,
a bronze badge with a laurel wreath surmounted by a king's crown.
In the centre is a shield bearing the letter 'V' and a scroll
To be issued: -
a) To those who volunteer for service overseas but who are
retained, permanently or temporarily, in Australia for Home
b) Temporarily to those enrolled in the Naval Reserve Forces, but
who are not at present mobilised, and to those who have
volunteered and have been accepted for service in the AIF, and who
are waiting to be called up.
c) To members of the Navy, AIF and RAAF who are discharged without
becoming eligible for the Returned from Active Service Badge,
except where the discharge is due to misconduct or because the
member is in a reserved occupation. |

Reservists Badge which
depicts an eagle imposed on a circle bearing the words 'R.A.A.F.
RESERVE'. The circle is surmounted by a king's crown. |
To be issued to applicants to the
Royal Australian Air force who have been successful in passing all
the required tests, but are not required for immediate enlistment. |
- The bottom row contains the

Occupation Exemption badge,
an octagonal badge surrounded by linked chains and surmounted by a
king's crown. In the middle is the Australian coat of arms and the
To be issued to persons in reserved
occupations who volunteer unconditionally to serve overseas with
any service if called upon at any time during the war, and also to
members of the Navy, AIF, and Air Force who are discharged because
they are in reserved occupations. Applicants must be medically fit
and within approved age limits for enlistment. |

Navy badge, which is an oval
badge edged with rope tied at the bottom in a reef knot and
surmounted by a king's crown. In the middle are the letters 'MN'
and underneath is a scroll with the word 'AUSTRALIA'. |
To be issued to all officers and men
of the Mercantile Marine engaged in Australia for service in
oversea, interstate or intrastate vessels (excluding River and Bay
and Pilot vessels) and to the personnel of deep-sea fishing
vessels of 25 tons gross tonnage and upwards. |
Unfit Exemption Badge, a
rectangular badge surmounted by a king's crown with the letter 'V'
and the word 'VOLUNTEERED'. |
To be issued to volunteers for
service overseas who are rejected on medical grounds, provided
they are within the approved age limits and are not suffering from
manifest disease or deformity.
Volunteers must offer to serve in
any of the defence forces before becoming eligible for this badge,
which will be issued by the Army.