Category: Badges |
New Zealand Shoulder
Titles Page 2 |
NZ shoulder title. |
Metal shoulder titles.
RNZ Navy (?) |
Pre WW1
"straight" New Zealand "NZ" shoulder title. Straight
NZ Mounted Rifles straight title |
- <<<
Red Cross wartime shoulder titles
in 2 sizes.
- Camp Military Police (Featherston)
as featured in "Badges
& Insignia of the New Zealand Army" by Geoffrey P Oldham |
The number
under each title refers to the Index Number (see
below) |
12/1. AN (Auckland Navals), WM
12/2. AMR (Auckland Mounted Rifles)
12/3. 1st AMR (Auckland Mounted Rifles)
12/4. W over S over ANZAC (Wireless troop, ANZAC Mounted Division)
12/5. CMP (Camp Military Police)
12/6. N.CANT. (North Canterbury)
12/7. CANTERBURY COLLEGE OTC (3 tier badge)
12/8. FRONTIERSMEN, solid brass, curved
12/9. GERALDINE, solid brass, curved
12/10. HMR (Heretaunga Mounted Rifles)
12/11. KEH over KODR (King Edward's Horse, Kings Oversea Dominion Regiment)
12.12. LRDG (Long Range Desert Group)
12/13. MR (Mounted Rifles)
12/14. MT (Motor Transport Company)
12/15. IXNZ (9th Contingent NZMR)
12/16. NELSON, curved (Nelson Company, WWI)
12/17. NEW ZEALAND, curved
12/18. NEW ZEALAND, curved small, Bz
12/19. NEW ZEALAND, solid, curved
12/20. NEW ZEALAND, curved upwards, cast
12/21. NEW ZEALAND with E above (Tunnellers Company, New Zealand Engineers)
12/22. NEW ZEALAND with 4 in centre (4th Contingent, New Zealand Mounted Rifles)
12/23. NEW ZEALAND with 5 or 7 above (5th or 7th Contingent, New Zealand Mounted Rifles)
12/24. NEW ZEALAND with fern leaf above, cut-out silver or brass (Boer War 1900-09)
12/25. NEW ZEALAND with kiwi above, cut-out silver or brass (Boer War 1900-01)
12/27. NZ, straight or curved, solid or void, large
12/28. As above medium
12/30. NZ over MAORI
12/31. NZ over STAFF
12/32. NZ over 3 over MGC (Machine Gun Corps)
12/33. NZA, straight (New Zealand Artillery)
12/34. NZA, curved (cut down RNZA)
12/35. NZAMC, curved (New Zealand Army Medical Corps)
12/36. NZAMD, curved (New Zealand Army Medical Department)
12/37. NZAOC (New Zealand Army Ordnance Corps)
12/38. NZAOD (New Zealand Army Ordnance Department)
12/39. NZAPC (New Zealand Army Pay Corps)
12/40, NZAPS (New Zealand Army Postal Service)
12/41. NZASC (New Zealand Army Service Corps)
12/42. NZASC with MT above (Motor Transport)
12/43. NZAV (New Zealand Artillery Volunteers)
12/44. NZCC (New Zealand Cyclist Corps)
12/45. NZCS (New Zealand Corps of Signals)
12/46. NZDC (New Zealand Dental Corps)
12/47. NZE, curved (New Zealand Engineers)
12/48. NZE, straight
12/49. NZEH (New Zealand Expeditionary? Hospital)
12/50. NZFA, curved (New Zealand Field Artillery)
12/51. NZFA, straight
12/52. A over NZFA
12/53. NZGA, curved (New Zealand Garrison Artillery)
12/54. 3 or 9 over NZGA
12/55. W over 2 over NZGA
12/56. A over 2 over NZGAV (New Zealand Garrison Artillery Volunteers)
12/57. NZJC over STAFF (New Zealand Junior Cadets)
12/58. NZMC (New Zealand Medical Corps) |
12/59. NZMC, curved upwards, cut out of sheet brass
12/60. NZMC with 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 above, cut out of sheet brass
12/61. NZMD (New Zealand Medical Department)
12/62. NZMG, curved (New Zealand Machine Gun)
12/63. NZMGC, curved (New Zealand Machine Gun Corps)
12/64. NZMGS, curved (New Zealand Machine Gun Section)
12/65. NZMP, curved (New Zealand Military Police)
12/66. NZMP, straight
12/67. NZMR, straight, solid or voided (New Zealand Mounted Rifles)
12/68. NZMR, curved
12/69. NZMT, curved (New Zealand Motor Transport)
11/70. NZNC (New Zealand Native Contingent)
12/71. NZPAF (New Zealand Permanant Air Force)
12/72. NZPASC (New Zealand Permanant Army Service Corps)
12/73. NZPS (New Zealand Permanant Staff)
12/74. NZP&T (New Zealand Post & Telegraph Corps)
12/75. NZR, straight (New Zealand Rifles)
12/76. NZR, curved
12/77. NZR with C, 0, A, N or W above
12/78. W over TB over NZR
12/79. NZRB, curved (New Zealand Rifle Brigade)
12/80. NZRB, open type, straight
12/81. NZRC (New Zealand Rifle clubs)
12/82. NZ ROUGH RIDERS, cut out of sheet brass
12/83. NZRR, straight (New Zealand Rough Riders)
12,84. NZRR, curved
12/85. NZSC (New Zealand Staff Corps and New Zealand Signal Corps)
12/86. NZTS, straight or curved (New Zealand Temporary Staff)
12/87. NZV, straight (New Zealand Volunteers)
12/88. NZVC (New Zealand Veterinary Corps)
12/89, NZVS (New Zealand Volunteer Sisterhood)
12/90. NZWCA (New Zealand War Contingent Assn.)
12/91. ORV (Otago Rifle Volunteers)
12/92. 1 ORV
12/93. OTAGO UNIVERSITY OTC (3 tier badge)
12/94. RESERVE, cast brass (New Zealand Forces Motor Reserve of Officers)
12/95. RNZA, curved (Royal New Zealand Artillery)
12/96. RNZA, straight
12/97. SAS (Special Air Service)
12/98. 1st SCMR (South Canterbury Mounted Rifles)
12/99. SIGNAL SERVICE, curved
12/100. VR (Volunteer Rifles)
12/103. 2 over WELLINGTON
12/104. A over 2WMR (Wellington Mounted Rifles)
12/105. YMCA (Young Men's Christian Association) |