Assorted |

- Australia issued special
currency for use inside internment camps so that any one who
escaped could not use it and it could not be used to bribe guards
or civilians. This is 1 Internment Camp penny. (shown
larger than true size)
Images on this page
not to scale
- In WW2 the Japanese military
issued special currency based on the existing currency in the
occupied country or the country that it intended to occupy.
- They were not however the first
or the last military authority to issue it's own form of money.




Allied Military
Currency issued in Italy.


- Special coinage issued for the
Jewish ghetto in 1942. This one is valued at 5 marks.
- 1, 2, 5, 10 and 100 kronen notes
printed for use in the concentration camps.
- Jewish currency , 1 - 100 Kronen (5
notes) , issued at the Theresienstadt Ghetto , Czechoslavakia and
dated I January , 1943 .

Pound Note as issued during World War Two to the British Armed Forces by
command of the Army Council. |