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Review: Just
Darryl Kelly
by the ANZAC Day Commemoration Committee of Queensland
Catherine McCullagh
of Army
– The Soldiers’ Newspaper
will be familiar with many of the stories in Darryl Kelly’s Just
Soldiers, published to coincide with ANZAC Day 2004. Sensitively
edited to echo the voice of the Digger, these gritty tales depict the
ordinary soldier in time of conflict.
subjects are real people with flaws and weaknesses, many of them beset
by tragedy of their own making, or simply cursed with bad luck. Based
on exhaustive research, including hours of interviews with the
soldiers’ descendents, these stories bring to life those men and
women who embarked on the great adventure of World War I. Their
stories are ripping yarns in the wildest sense — except for the fact
that they are all true.
are tales of heroes, murderers, ministering angels, suicides and
disappearances: a deserter from the French Foreign Legion is rescued
at gunpoint from the firing squad; twins are killed by the same shell
and misidentified as the one person; a padre joins a mutiny in the
ranks and is later felled by a German sniper as he prays over the body
of a fallen comrade; and a Digger survives the hell of the Burma-Thai
Railway only to be shipwrecked in the shark-infested South China Sea.
is an honest book in narrative style that tells the story
unembellished and without the judgement of hindsight. Kelly’s use of
direct speech to add realism to the stories presents an innovative use
of the anecdotes of diaries, letters and family recollections. While
not to every reader’s taste, it adds the flavour of realism to what
may otherwise appear a dusty, far-off memory. Kelly’s soldiers live,
and their thoughts and actions resound with that tough Digger
tenacity, the larrikin irreverence and the muted understatement of
courage under fire. This book is a gem, well worth reading, even just
as a timely reminder of the unheralded achievements of ordinary people
in extraordinary times.
Image is a thumbnail.
Click to enlarge
by Digger James – Infantryman and Army
Doctor – “This
enthralling story will have appeal not only to those who have served
or have known someone who served in the Australian Army in war, it
will fulfil the thirst for knowledge of the growing numbers of young
Australians who yearn to uncover the deeds of their forefathers…”
(Ray) Burnard – Infantryman – “I
found it enthralling, entertaining and so very readable. It is a
superb book, which I hope many young soldiers read, as it encapsulates
so clearly the ethos of the Australian infantryman in the Vietnam
(Wally) Thompson – Infantryman and 1st
ever Regimental Sergeant
Major of the Army
– “We Band of Brothers is well
worth the read… As seen through the eyes of an infantryman, the
Vietnam chapters are pure insight into the war and the calibre of the
men who fought it. The professionalism and bravery described, and the
wonderful “digger” humour are an inspiration to any reader.”
Band of Brothers is a grand, A-4 size, hard cover, high quality,
glossy, coffee-table book of 375,000 words, with five hundred and
fifty photographs, including three colour sections covering Malaya,
Papua New Guinea and Vietnam.
readers in the USA, UK, Canada, NZ and PNG - Order Forms and lots more
information on the book can be found on the websites - http://www.acenet.com.au/~brianmcf/index.htm
Australia, the price of the book, delivered to your home, incl GST, is
from EXACT
PRINT + DESIGN, PO Box 250, Broadmeadow, NSW 2292
02 4961 4507
02 4962 2902