On 1 July 1915 the 9th
Brigade was raised as part of the Militia in New South Wales, relying
upon compulsory service of men between the ages of 18 and 21. At the
outset of WW1 the existing Defence Act precluded the dispatching of
anyone but volunteers for overseas service and from this the AIF was
The 9th Brigade AIF was raised in May 1916. There were now two 9th
Brigades: the 9th Brigade AMF was responsible for training for and the
conduct of protective operations in defence of Australia. The 9th
Brigade AIF formed part of the 3rd Division completing its pre training
at Larkhill, England, prior to deploying to the Western Front in
November 1916.

The 9th Brigade AIF consisted of the
33rd, 34th, 35th and 36th Battalions of the AIF. The Brigade saw
conspicuous service on the Western Front and in Flanders until the
signing of the Armistice. The 9th Brigade AIF was demobilised on its
return to Australia and many of the soldiers continued service with the
AMF and reserve forces.
Between the wars the 9th Brigade survived a significant number of
reorganisations and restructuring changes which were imposed upon the
peacetime Army.
The Second World War saw the AIF again reformed at the outbreak of
hostilities. The 2nd AIF commenced numbering of Divisions at six, and
Brigades at sixteen, hence the 9th Brigade became the 22nd Brigade, 8th
Division, 2nd AIF. The Brigade deployed to the defence of Singapore. The
fall of Singapore on 15 February 1942 saw many 22nd Brigade soldiers
become Prisoners of War to the Japanese until the Japanese surrender in
1945. The 9th Brigade AMF continued its role in the defence of
Australia. Again at the completion of WW2 the 22nd Brigade was disbanded
and many of those soldiers returned to service with the AMF brigades.
The Brigade had an irregular existence after WW2, finally being
disbanded in 1960. The 9th Brigade was reformed on 1 July 1965 as the
9th Task Force and continued to serve in the Central Region until 8
August 1975 when once again it was disbanded.
The current 9th Brigade was raised on 1 February 1988 under command of
Land Headquarters Australia. On 1 September 1994 the Brigade moved from
under command Land Headquarters to form part of the 2nd Division.
The Brigade now comprises eight direct
command units located throughout Central and Tasmania Regions.