Category: Armour |

Cambrai Day Parade
19th November 1983
Queen Alexandra's Squadron
Royal New Zealand Armoured Corps
by Paul D. Handel
of Anzac
Major Graeme Ready inspecting the
Squadron from his horse. |
Scorpions driving past during the parade. The Squadron badge is
stencilled on the searchlight cover, and the 76mm barrel is in gunmetal
finish. |
M113A1 vehicles driving past the reviewing stand. The US style MERDEC
camouflage was used, as it most closely matched the Waiouru training
Area desert terrain. The bolt on aluminium panels on the hull front
between the headlights and the turn indicators have luminous reverse
sides which are used when the vehicles operate on a public road. Only a
0.50 inch machine gun is fitted in its T50 Turret. |
an M577A1 Armoured Command Vehicle with call-sign One Zero Bravo (10B)
prior to the parade. The side skirts have been removed, leaving the
original green paint finish along the lower hull. |
lone M41A1 tank was paraded on the day. Here the vehicle is parked next
to one of the Squadron’s 16 Scorpions, giving a good comparison of the
relative size of each tank. |
M548A1 Tracked Load Carrier (TLC) has a hard top over its cabin area
instead of the more normal canvas roof. The vehicle commander standing
in the ring mount with 0.50 inch machine gun is holding the vehicle’s
radio aerial to avoid collision with overhead power lines. |
Squadron displayed some of its former equipment, and we see here a
Ferret Mark 1 Liaison Vehicle finished in bronze green colour and
mounting an 0.30 inch Browning Machine Gun. |
Ferret Scout Car Mark 2 in camouflage, parked near an M41A1 Tank. The
sand channels are stowed on the hull front, but the vehicle lacks any
armament. |