RAAF Service
The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) ordered an initial batch of 50
Twin Wasp-powered Hudsons in late 1938.
Hudsons served with the
following RAAF squadrons: Nos. 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 13, 14,23, 24, 25, and 32
Squadrons. as well as with the No. 1, 3, 4, and 6 Communications Units,
No; 1 Operational Training Unit, No. 1 Rescue and Communication Unit,
No. 2 Air Ambulance Unit, and the RAAF Survey Flight.
The last Hudson was phased out of RAAF
service in 1949. |
(Lockheed Hudson Mk I)
DESCRIPTION: General Reconnaissance Bomber with 5
crew. All metal stressed-skin construction.
POWER PLANT: Two 1,050 hp Pratt and Whitney Wasps, or
two 1,100 hp Wright Cyclones.
DIMENSIONS: Span, 65 ft 6 ins; length, 44 ft 4 ins;
height, 11 ft 101/2 ins.
WEIGHTS: Empty, 12,000 lb; loaded, 17,000 lb.
PERFORMANCE: Max speed, 246 mph. Climb, 1,200 ft/min.
Endurance, 6 hrs. Service ceiling 22,000 ft.
ARMAMENT: Fixed forward twin 0.303 guns, twin 0.303
guns in dorsal turret, and one 0.303 gun in ventral position. Provision
also for two 0.303 guns in beam positions. Bomb load, 750 lb.
some detail from RAAF
Museum |