Category: WW1 |

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American Expeditionary Force
(AEF) WW1 |
The USA entered the war in
1917 and served alongside the Australians in some cases, principally in
the successful attack on Le Hamel. After the war they provided the Army
of Occupation of Germany. |

Sub category index
My thanks to CWO H H
"Sarge" Booker II for this information.
By July 1918 there were over a million US
soldiers in France.
General John
Pershing deployed US troops to help the French defend the Western
Front during the Aisne Offensive in May and at the Marne in June.
US troops also took part in the Allied
attacks at Le Hamel
and Canal du Nord before Pershing launched his own offensive at St Mihiel
(September) and Meuse-Argonne (October).
More than 2
million US troops eventually reached Europe but a large number arrived
too late to see any action. The American Expeditionary Force suffered
264,000 casualties, including 50,554 killed in battle and about 25,000
by disease. About 200,000 Afro-Americans served in the US Army in
Europe, but only 42,000 were classified as combat troops. Completely
segregated, they fought with the French Army during the war. |