Conflicts/Vietnam |

This page is a sub
category index |

Nam Patrol; just another day at the office for
a Crunchie |
Sub category index
The Infantry Combat Badge. This is how to earn one |
This page is
for the Old and Bold. They KNOW what it's like. This is to try to give people who have never been
there an idea of what a patrol in a combat zone is like.
On this patrol you're the new bloke. A
Reo. The originals would probably like you better if it weren't for the
fact that your being here means that someone, a mate, went home in a
body bag or all shot up. OK, got the picture. Let's start.
Righto you. Your first patrol. Welcome to the Funny Country. Check your gear, your weapon/s, your ammo. Load the whole damn lot on
your back or around your waist. When you lift it all off the ground you
will find out why you are called a "grunt". Grab your rifle. Hook a couple of bandoliers of
machine gun ammo round your neck. If we
hit the shit we don't want the Gun running low on ammo. Just ask Delta
Six what that is like. Not something you do twice. The Skipper is on edge and the OpsO is going
crazy. Thank Christ for Sergeants, they're half sane; except for Smithy,
but this is his 3rd tour and he's been wounded twice so he reckons his
luck is all shot to hell. |
OK. You're at the
"bus stop" waiting your turn to go to work. Relax. You can only
die once. |
riding the slicks. Hey Ho Hey Ho it's off to work we go. Hope the LZ is
not hot.
down and still alive. Good start. Run for the trees. The LZ is not hot,
Yet, but you never know. |