Conflicts/Malaya |
assault British style using Westland Whirlwind choppers. Thankfully no
one actually had to ride them into a hot LZ as they are difficult and
slow to load and unload. With the Huey troops 'un-ass' 2 at a time 2
sides. In these re-badged Sikorsky ships 1 digger at a time, 1
side. |
Australian Army, for all the time it was in Terendak took responsibility
for the health and well being of everyone in a kampong (village) that
came to be called Australian Kampong. MEDCAP is Army talk for Medical
Civil Aid Program |
The Battalion
is on the move on rubber through the rubber heading for the J again. We
are being monitored by the Royal Malay Regiment scout cars. The Malays
had a problem. They wanted us there for our money and fighting ability
but they did not like having us in their country. |
Beating the Retreat for 28
Beating the Retreat is not
retreating. Retreating in the face of the enemy is a shameful although
sometimes necessary thing. Beating the Retreat is an ancient military
ceremony indicating the end of hostilities for the day or the period. In
the evening the band would march out with the drum beating and the
buglers playing the call 'retreat'. The Colours would be there under
guard to indicate that the unit was withdrawing as an orderly and
controlled body of men who had not given up but were merely ending the
killing for that day. The troops would retire to the ale houses and eat
and drink until the prescribed time to go to their billets. It is now a
Ceremonial Parade performed on specified occasions, as it was here, to
mark the end of 28 Commonwealth Infantry Brigade. On that day the
Brigade ceased to exist. It was replaced by 28 ANZUK Brigade which was
made up of the same troops less the Malay component. |
British had maintained a presence in Singapore and Malaya for many
years, and with the coming of the Japanese during the Second World War
they were joined by Australian troops. After the world war another more
protracted war began—this time against the communist terrorists—and
British, Australian, and New Zealand servicemen joined together to fight
the CTs in the jungle.
At this time Britain was
committed to provide defence assistance to Malaysia and Singapore under
the Anglo-Malayan Defence Agreement of 1957 with which Australia and New
Zealand were associated.
<< The Flag Party lower the 5
National flags for the last time.
As the insurgency and the
"confrontation" between Indonesia and the newly formed Malaysian
State tapered off it was obvious that Britain would reduce the numbers of
troops stationed here.
The British Parliamentary Labour Party began
talking about cuts in 1966, then, in July 1967, the Labour Government
announced substantial reductions. Of the 80,000 men and women working for
and in the services east of Suez in 1967 only 40,000 uniformed and
civilian men and women were to remain after 1970/71.
Gurkha Pipe Band
This decision was not
really surprising, but what did shock people was the announcement in
January 1968 that Britain would withdraw completely by 1971.
immediately posed the familiar question "What will happen when the
British go?" |
The first tentative steps towards finding an answer were
taken by the politicians and diplomats at a Five Power (Singapore,
Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand and the UK) Conference in Kuala Lumpur in
June 1968 at which the Malaysian Prime Minister proposed that control and
maintenance of the British bases become a joint Five Power responsibility
after 1971. Although this suggestion came to nothing the British
Conservative Party eventually decided to oppose the Labour policy of
withdrawal, and Mr Heath began talking about a "new and equal
partnership, between five Commonwealth governments".
Men of the 14th Light
Regiment Royal Artillery fire the salvos that mark the end for 28 COMWEL
In 1970, during
"Exercise Bersatu Padu", an election occurred in Britain which
returned the Conservative Party to power. |
This led to a series of meetings
which resulted in an announcement on 16 February 1971 that Australian, New
Zealand and British troops would remain in Singapore and Malaysia under an
Australian commander of "two star" rank. The land forces were to
be stationed in Singapore and the Air Forces and Naval Forces would
operate in both countries.
Badcoe VC is
one of many Australian and Allied servicemen buried at Terendak War
Cemetery. It is maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and
is well looked after.

Badcoe was killed in action while
serving as part of AATTV in Viet Nam in 1967 and was buried at Terendak
by choice and with the approval of his family. |