Category: Medals |
Gau Badges and badges of the
NSDAP (Nazi Party) Page1 |
The mark of a
so-called "true patriot," the Golden Party Badge of the NSDAP
distinguished the wearer as a pioneer of the National Socialist German
Worker's Party, the Nazi Party.
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei).
Anyone who has seen the movie
"Schindler's List" will remember the importance that Oskar
Schindler placed on this badge, and the "goodwill" he was
afforded by wearing it.
In the Third Reich this badge elevated one to
the level of royalty.
On 13 October 1933, Hitler decreed
that all persons with uninterrupted service in the Party since 27 Feb
1925, and who held Party membership numbers 1 to 100,000 would be
awarded the newly instituted Golden Party Badge on 9 November, 1933. This
date is significant as it was the 8th anniversary of the failed attempt
to overthrow the government, the Munich "Beer Hall Putsch," a
national holiday under Hitler's reign.
There were some restrictions that
contributed to the rarity and significance of this award. Of the 100,000
persons who might have been qualified, the restrictions of active and
unbroken membership reduced the number of awards to 22,282: 20,487 men
and 1,795 women.
The badge came in 2
sizes, 30.5 mm for wear on uniforms and 25 mm for wear on civilian
clothes. Images shown oversize. |
Standard NSDAP
badge shown here for comparison. |
http://www.collectinghistory.net/goldenpartybadge/ |
The leaders of Nazi
political districts (known as the Gauleiter)
were empowered to bestow Gau Badges for a variety of services
rendered to the local political organization. Such Gau Badges were
issued in Silver and Gold with some issuances in Bronze. Very rarely
were Gau Badges issued in Gold with Diamonds. These were civilian
badges and not worn on military uniforms with the exception of the SS
who were given permission to wear a mixture of civilian & military
badges. |
The following is a list of
some the Nazi Party Gau badges. Originally there were 33 Gaus and later
- Standard Gau Badge (1925)
- Munich Gau Badge
- Berlin Gau Badge
- Thuringia Gau Badge
- East Hannover Gau Badge
- East Prussia Gau Badge
- Baden Gau Badge
- Essen Gau Badge
- Danzig Gau Badge
- Wartheland Gau Badge
- Sudentenland Gau Badge
- Gau Koblenz badge

The most
"important" of these badges is the 1923 version in gold and
silver. It marked the ill fated "Beer Hall Putsch" for which
Hitler was jailed. |
Many Gauleiters also
made a habit of issuing "Day Badges" or "Rally
Badges" that are now referred to as 'tinnies'. They are not covered
here. They have their own page. |


The 1925 NSDAP badge
when Hitler reformed the NSDAP (Nazi Party) and took personal control of it |
The East Prussia Gau
badge. Details |


Wettkampfe (competition) and
meeting of the NSDAP in Hessen, 1934 |
1925/1935 Commemorative NSDAP badge |

1935 Franken Day in Hesselberg badge. |
NSDAP badge commemorating the 1934 statement that "Hitler is
Germany". |


Hitler Youth Day 1933
badge |
"Germany is
Awake" badge 1933, Gau Mittlefranken Hesselberg |


Erhebung." This badge
marked the first major political victory in 1934 |
of the Hessen Gau in Frankfurt A.M. in 1936 |

Gau badge for the
meeting of the Pommern Stettin Section I, 1938. |
1939 the first Kreisstage
of the Party. |

NSDAP Sudentland Honour badge |
Danzig Gau badge |

Essen |
Gau Munich (Munchen),
standard & silvered |

Gau Munich badge in
gold |
Gau East Hannover |
Gau Baden badge |
Wartheland Gau badge |
Sudentland Gau Badge |
Thuringia Gau Badge

This Gau badge bears
Hitler's quote "I Love The Eternal Germany". |
Gau Berlin badge in
silver and enamel |


"Freedom" badge 1935 shows St George slaying the dragon that
represents the Treaty of Versailles, the Jews and the Bolsheviks. |
the peaked visor cap of the enlisted ranks of the 'Nationalsozialische-Kriegsofperversorgung'
[National Socialist War Victims Support Service], a branch of the NSDAP
created to help those war wounded in need as well as their families. This
league not only helped WWI disabled veterans but also those party
members injured during the Nazi Party's struggle in the early years. |
Gau Thing Koblenz Trier
1935 |
Köln-AAchen Gau badge
15 Oct 1933 |
- Baden
- Bayreuth
- Berlin
- Danzig-Wesipr
- Dusseldorf
- Essen
- Franken
- Halle-Merseburg
- Hamburg
- Hessen-Nasau
- Kärnten
- Koln-Aachen
- Kurhessen
- Madgeburg-Anhalt
- Mainfranken
- Mark Brandenburg
- Mecklenburg
- Moselland
- München- Obb
- Niederdonau
- Niederschlesien
- Oberdonau
- Oberschlesien
- Osthannover
- Ostpreuben
- Pommern
- Sachsen
- Salzburg
- Schleswig-Hosltein
- Schwaben
- Steiermark
- Sudentland
- Sud.Hann. Braunschweis
- Thüringen
- Tirol-Vorarlberg
- Wartheland
- Weser-Ems
- Westf,-Norrd
- Westf.-Süd
- Westmark
- Wien
- Würtiemb.-Hohenzollern
- Auslandsorganisation