The standard German infantry
weapon was the rifle, originally designed by Mauser and
dubbed the Karabiner 98k. This weapon was a 5-shot,
bolt-action rifle that actually dated back to 1898 when it
was first adopted by the Imperial German Army. It was
standard issue for German troops in WWI and, in its modified
98k version (k for kurz, or short), in WWII as well.

While the German standard rifle was a bolt action rifle, the
Germans did attempt to design a successful automatic rifle
as well. Two designs were submitted for trials in 1941, one
by Walther (the maker of the famous PPK and the P38
pistols), and the other was submitted by Mauser. The Mauser
design won out over the simpler Walther design and many
thousands of the Gewehr 41(W) were made available to the
troops on the Eastern Front. After initial use, results were
less than satisfactory and as soon as a better design came
along (the model 43), production was halted. The way in
which German troops used their weapons changed and a rifle
with a range of 2000 yards was no longer needed - except for
specialists and snipers. Instead, ranges had shrunk down to
400 yards and a less powerful cartridges was needed.

The most common submachine gun used by the Germans during
WWII was the MP40. Many times the term "Schmeisser" is used
in reference to a German submachine gun. While it is true
that the Schmeisser firm did create and produce its own
submachine gun design, it was less than perfect and prone to
trouble. The MP40 was a not manufactured by Schmeisser, and
the weapon was far more simple and had a much more cleaner
design, thus it became the standard issue for German troops.
An earlier design called MP38 had a similar appearance and
saw widespread distribution. A less known model called Erma
was also produced as well as a German copy of the British
STEN gun, called MP3008. The Waffen-SS used a submachine gun
made by Bergman called the MP34 also.

The next submachine gun design to emerge was the MP43 or
Machine Pistol 43 from a design developed in 1943. It fired
a less powerful cartridge and had a lighter recoil as a
result. However, Hitler, still thinking that troops needed a
weapon capable of firing 2000 yards, ordered that production
of the weapon not start. The German arms minister, however,
knew the need of the new weapon, and changed the name to
"Machine Pistol", which is what the Germans called their
submachine guns like the US Thompson .45 cal. The trick
worked and the weapon went into production at three
factories and German troops all over the Eastern Front were
clamouring for the new weapon. The whole affair was blown"
when a few divisional commanders asked Hitler at a
conference when they would get the new weapon. Hitler was
furious and ordered an investigation. Luckily for the men
that had disobeyed the Fuehrer, the results of the
investigation were so encouraging about the new weapon that
Hitler changed his mind and announced that henceforward the
weapon would be called "Sturmgewehr" or Assault Rifle. This
was the world's first ever assault rifle.
The Maschinen
Pistole 43's origin was actually the Maschinen Karbiner 42
(MKb 42). It looked a lot similar, and was issued in numbers
on the eastern front. Later, this weapon was refined into
the Mp43. The Germans, contemplating the sniping value of
the Mp43, made a variant, called the Mp43/1. It had scope
mounting rails on the iron-sights. The sniper arrangement
didn't really work, so, few were made. In late 1943, the
MP44 (the most commonly found German assault rifle from the
war) was developed, though being basically the same thing as
it's predecessor. In 1945, Mauser had begun work on a new
type of assault rifle (sometimes called the StG45(M),
sometimes the Gerat O6), that used a roller-locking
mechanism (like that of the Mp5), which slowed the ROF down
to 450 RPS. However, these rifles never made it past the
prototype phase.

The Germans settled on two light machine gun designs and
used them throughout the war, the MG34 and
MG42. The MG42 went on to become the standard design for a
light machine gun for NATO and is now used in a more modern
form by the
US military, and the Australian Army, as the M-60! The
new German Army continues to use a less modified but still
modernized version of the MG42 as their standard light
machine gun.
infantry weapons
"potato masher" grenade from WW1 made a comeback in
an improved version. |
The famous "Luger"
pistol was used in WW2 in a shorter barrelled
version from WW1. Most Artillery (Long) P08 and
Marine P04 had, due to Allied restrictions, to be
shortened to a barrel length of 100mm. (Same for the
C96). The P08 manufactured after 1935 had the same
dimensions then as the pre 1918 P08 Pistols.
Interestingly the Germans never
referred to it as a Luger but by it's proper name
the P08 Parabellum. |
Schnellfeuer-Pistole These
odd-looking pistols (see picture above) were based
on the Mauser C96. These were more "flashy" than
effective. It was wasteful of ammunition and
difficult to aim. The weapon has a protruding
20-round magazine and detachable wooden
stock/holster. (When
dis-assembled the pistol was housed in the stock) Could
fire 900 rounds per minute (15 rounds per second)
but because of it's extreme lightweight was nearly
impossible to aim with any accuracy. Also a weapon
that empties it's magazine in just over 1 second may
not be the best option. |
Panzerfaust was an effective, 1 man, shoulder fired
anti-tank weapon. |