Coca Cola at War (on BOTH
sides) |
- When the US Army landed in
North Africa, among the equipment brought ashore were 3 complete
Coca Cola bottling plants.
Coca Cola was involved in the Second
World War. Robert Woodruff
made a point of supporting US troops so metal cans were introduced
to meet their needs.
In 1941, when the United States
entered the war, Woodruff decided that Coca Cola's place was near
the front line.
He sent an order to
"See that ever man in uniform
gets a bottle of Coca Cola for 5 cents wherever he is and whatever
the cost to the company". |
In 1939 Coca Cola only had 5 overseas
bottling plants. By 1945, they had 64. What made it so popular?
Because the water was disgusting. The army kept it clean by adding
chlorine-so the water tasted like your local swimming pool, or
On the 29th
June 1943 General Dwight D Eisenhower ordered three million
bottles of Coca Cola to be sent to the allies in North
Plant and
machinery for down town bottling plants were also sent so
another three million bottles could be sent to the troops
every six months.
By the end of
the hostilities five billion bottles or cans of Coca Cola
had been drunk.
Coca Cola had
not only lifted the spirits of the US Armed Forces, it had
also introduced itself to new markets. When the war ended
the bottling plants and a little bit of America stayed too.
Eisenhower became President of the USA in 1953, he
remembered Coca Cola's response to his call. He rewarded the
company with a contract to supply all White House banquets.
Presidents Kennedy and Carter also enjoyed Coca Cola. Carter
used his influence to help it break into the difficult
market of China. |
WW2 advertising for Coca
Cola |

Above. Airplane
spotter's plane identification tips and hints on playing cards with
Coca Cola advertising. C.1943
Left. Boy's/soldiers
pocket knife with Coca Cola advertising. Circa
1943 |
Coca Cola advertising
slogans of the Second World War era |
1939 |
Coca-Cola goes along |
Make lunch time refreshment time |
Makes travel more pleasant |
The drink everybody knows |
Thirst stops here |
1940 |
Bring in your thirst and go away
without it |
The package that gets a welcome at
home |
Try it just once and you will know
why |
1941 |
A stop that belongs on your daily
timetable |
Completely refreshing |
1942 |
The only thing like Coca-Cola is
Coca-Cola itself |
Refreshment that can't be duplicated |
Wherever you are, whatever you do,
wherever you may be, when you think refreshment, think ice-cold
Coca-Cola |
1943 |
That extra something |
A taste all its own |
The only thing like Coca-Cola is
Coca-Cola itself |
It's the real thing |
1944 |
How about a Coke |
High sign of friendship |
A moment on the sunnyside |
1945 |
Whenever you hear "Have a Coke," you
hear the voice of America |
Passport to refreshment |
Happy moment of hospitality |
Coke means Coca-Cola |
Coca Cola in a Nazi
Uniform |
Coca Cola (GmbH) were the German
bottlers for Coke under the leadership of the CEO Max Keith
(pronounced Kite). Coke sponsored the 1936 Nazi Olympics where
Hitler showcased his Aryan vision to the world, while hiding the
"Don't shop at Jewish shops" posters.
Coca Cola GmbH sought to be associated with the Nazis, it became a
bit of a joke that if Hitler or a high ranking Nazi was on the front
cover of a magazine Coke would advertise on the back. Coke
advertised on billboards that were by the Berlin stadiums, so people
attending Goebbel's rallies had to walk past them.
Coke financially supported the Nazis by advertising within Nazi
newspapers, in one instance Coke published responses to accusations
from rival bottlers that they were a Jewish company. These
denunciations were placed in Nazi rags.
Coke advertised in the Nazi Army paper shortly after the invasion of
Sudetenland, the ad was a picture of a hand holding a bottle of coke
over a map of the world, the slogan was "Yes we have got an
international reputation."
Coke opened up a bottling plant in Sudetenland shortly after the
Mark Prendergrast's book For God, Country and Coca Cola: "Later in
the war, Keith used Chinese labor and "people who would come from
anywhere in Europe-the war brought them from everywhere." For Keith
to say blandly that "the war brought them" implies that they were
willing refugees, which is somewhat misleading. In fact, the wartime
railroads not only carried Jews, Gypsies and others to concentration
camps, but some 9 million Fremdarbeiter, or forced foreign labor,
who accounted for a fifth of the German labor force by 1944." Coke
nearly certainly used forced labor.
- Coca Cola in the US have paid
into a fund for the compensation of people who were forced to
work for the Nazis.
As Max Keith's supplies of Coke
dwindled in 1941 he gave his last batches to Nazi soldiers.
After the US entered the war
in 1941 Max Keith couldn't get Coca Cola syrup from America
to make Coke so he invented a new drink out of the
ingredients he had available to him and made it specifically
for the Nazi market and the Third Reich.
- The drink was called
Fanta came by its name
thanks to Keith's instructions to employees during the
contest to christen the beverage — he told them to let their Fantasie [Geman
for fantasy]
run wild. Upon hearing that, veteran salesman Joe Knipp
immediately blurted out Fanta.
This new soda was often made
from the leavings of other food industries. (Remember,
Germany did have a bit of an import problem at that time.)
Whey (a cheese by-product) and
apple fiber from cider presses found their way into the
drink. As for which fruits were used in the formulation, it
all depended on what was available at the time. In its
earliest incarnations, the drink was sweetened with
saccharin, but by 1941 its concocters were permitted to use 3.5
percent beet
Brand Overview: A favorite in Europe
since the 1940s, Fanta was acquired by The Coca-Cola
Company in 1960. Fanta Orange is the core flavor,
representing about 70% of sales, but other citrus and
fruit flavors have their own solid fan base. Fanta sells
best in Brazil, Germany, Spain, Japan, Italy and
Argentina. Fanta
is still a Coca-Cola product, and today it comes in
seventy different flavors (though some are only
available within the country of manufacture, one of 188
countries it
is sold in).
In 1943 alone he sold 3
million cases of Fanta in the Nazi empire.
Mark Prendergrast "In March
of 1938, as Hitler's troops stormed across the Austrian
border in the Anschluss, Max Keith convened the ninth annual
concessionaire convention, with 1,500 people in attendance.
Behind the main table, a
huge banner proclaimed in German, "Coca -Cola is the
world-famous trademark for the unique product of Coca-Cola
GmbH" Directly below, three gigantic swastikas stood out,
black on red.
At the main table, Max
Keith sat surrounded by his deputies, another swastika
draped in front of him...The meeting closed with a
"ceremonial pledge to Coca-Cola and a ringing three-fold "Seig
Heil" to Hitler."
At another convention Mark Prendergrast notes "Then Keith
ordered a mass Sieg-Heil for Hitler's recent fiftieth
birthday, to commemorate our deepest admiration and
gratitude for our Fuhrer who has led our nation into a
brilliant higher sphere." |
Note that
"Fanta" is referred to as 'lemonade'. |
At the Reich "Schaffendes Volk"
("Working People") Exhibition celebrating the German worker under
Hitler, Prendergrast describes "A functioning bottling plant, with a
miniature train carting Kinder beneath, bottled Coca-Cola at the
very centre of the fair, adjacent to the Propaganda Office. Touring
the Dusseldorf fair, Hermann Goering paused for a Coke, and an alert
Company photographer snapped a picture. Though no such picture
documented the Fuhrer's tastes, Hitler reputedly enjoyed Coca Cola
too, sipping the Atlanta drink as he watched Gone With The Wind in
his private theatre."
Coke sales in Nazi Germany 1934 - 243,000 cases. 1936 - 1 million
cases. 1939 - almost 4 and a half million cases. From |
- When the war ended Coca-Cola
had made huge inroads into markets throughout the world, and
they also had many loyal customers in returning soldiers.